a stunningly beautiful turquoise and orange flower rise up out of the mossy floor and paused for effect. “…I am also the goddess of tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.” I shuddered as the ground split directly under the pretty flower revealing molten lava, which instantly crisped all the plant life in a five-foot circle, and turned it to dust. “At any time, if I choose, I could destroy all life on this planet down to pond scum. I’ve done it many, many times; entertaining, yes, in the short run, but oh so boring waiting for new results. Humans, in another time and another place, might say that I have anger management issues, which is why I have you Druids, to handle all the annoying human and elf situations.
“Besides, I am much too busy. As much as I appreciate that the planet was not incinerated, the solution the Nova came up with certainly messed up the natural world. The new solar day is slightly off and the tides still aren’t right. I have geese flying the wrong directions even after five years, but then again, geese were never my most brilliant fowl. Salmon migrations are still bollixed, and don’t even get me started on the cicadas and their migraine problems…”
I shook my head dubiously, choosing to ignore her complaints. “But yet, aren’t you interfering and taking sides by giving King Alex this warning?”
She giggled and then tilted her head expressively. “I need to remember never to engage an academic in a debate. To put it bluntly, my young dark elf, I admit I favor King Alex’s position in all of this. That’s why three of my best Druids call Sky Raven home. Besides,” she paused as if deciding what else to reveal, “in a way, Alex is as much my son as he is the Nova’s.” The confusion on my face must have spoken volumes, as she smiled sheepishly and continued, “You recall the Nova needed to negotiate with the gods of this world to obtain a body for Alex before he could be born.”
I nodded.
“So what does a god of thunder, a god of wine, or a goddess of beauty, know about creating a living, breathing organism out of thin air? Pffft, I’ll tell you! Absolutely nothing! They were in an absolute panic when they heard the Nova’s request.”
“And so they were forced to come to you, Earth Mother,” I filled in.
“That’s correct, child, and it was quite a piece of work, too. Besides being genetically perfect, I added a few small enhancements of my own. So you see, I like to think I had a tiny part in Alex’s success, and…” she grinned, “there may have been a few other timely aids thrown in as well.”
“I will give King Alex your words, Earth Mother,” I said, sensing the discussion was nearly over. “I have a blind human girl that I must escort to safety; would it be possible for you to heal her affliction?”
“No, child, the young seer’s path is already set in motion; any interference on my part would be detrimental to all. But the threads of your destinies are intertwining as we speak; follow your heart. Now, I believe we have reached the object of your search.”
I had been so absorbed in the conversation that I really wasn’t paying attention to where we were going. I looked around curiously, what I had been searching for was a grand old formidable oak tree because I was hoping to coax out a dryad that would agree to watch over Andea. But the clearing where we were currently standing contained only a scrawny young laurel tree that looked like every moose and deer in the forest used for its personal scratching post.
“Umm, Earth Mother, I was searching for a large oak…”
“Yes, I know dear, but Daphne, here, needs a mentor…”
My companion stretched out her staff and tapped the side of the small tree. Instantly, there was a shimmer, a bending of the light around it, and just like someone slipping through the parting of a curtain, a young woman stepped out. She had short, spiky jet-black hair, dark, almost obsidian eyes,