discarded cakes. “This one is even better,” she pronounced. “Less sweet and more berry flavor.”
“Wait’ll you try this one”, said Ali. “It’s going to be even better. I hope…”
“They’re all good,” said Josie. “Man, I can’t be around here too long or my figure will explode,” she said putting another bite in her mouth. “But, gosh, this is awesome.”
“Thanks,” said Ali distractedly. When she cooked, she was intent on her work. But now it was even more important. She had to win that money. She just had to. Her father’s heart surgery was scheduled for a week after the competition. She needed that extra money. The surgeries all combined would be over $35,000 and the insurance companies were being difficult. She wasn’t sure how much they would really cover and was told they’d likely reimburse only part. The $10,000 would certainly soften the blow.
The competition was in 10 days. Her recipe had to be perfect. This cake was truly going to be a life-saver.
“Well, I’ve got a date,” announced Josie. “I’ve got to get going to primp and prepare. It’s a blind date,” she admitted.
“I thought you swore off those,” asked Ali looking up. Her face had smudge of flour on it.
“I was, but this is some guy my friend at work knows. She says he’s really cute and nice, so I’m gonna give it a go.”
“Well, good luck,” said Ali. Her doorbell rang.
“Can you get that?” she asked Josie. Her hands were covered with berry juice.
Josie swung open the door. It was Ben. He wasn’t expecting her and she wasn’t expecting him. They both got a little nervous as their one and only date had ended with an awkward goodnight kiss on her cheek and no more dates.
Ben looked down. “Uh, hi, Josie. Is Ali here?”
“The kitchen queen is right over there,” said Josie pointing. “I’m on my way out. See ya, Ali!” she called making a hasty exit.
Ali smiled at Ben. “Sorry ‘bout that. I didn’t expect you until later.”
“Yeah, I decided to take a break and come early. Is it OK?”
“You bet. I’m just finishing up on my third cake. You can taste all three I’ve made and give me your honest opinion.”
“O…K…,”said Ben dragging his heels. “If I must…” he teased. “It’s a tough job, but I guess I’ll do it.”
Ali threw a kitchen towel at him. “Oh, right! Suffer through it for the greater cause…”
She sliced two pieces, put them on separate plates and gave them to him. “Number three is still in the oven, but should be done any minute. Do you want to wait for all of them together?”
“Are you kidding?” asked Ben looking at the fluffy white cake, berries and whipped cream on each plate. “I’ll try these now and later all together,” he said winking. “Just to be sure I’m giving each a fair chance.”
Ali smiled, put her hands on her hip and said “Have at it then.”
Ben teased and took a bite, chewed slowly, looked at the ceiling and mulled it over, imitating a food critic. “Sweet, tart and delicious,” he announced.
The second bite went much the same. “Less sweet, more tart, just as delicious!”
“So…? “
“We’ll just have to wait for number three,” he said.
Ali screwed up her mouth. “Great,” she said. “In the meantime you can help me with the dishes.” She tossed another towel in his direction. “I wash, you dry.”
“Anytime,” he said catching the towel.
They stood and washed and dried dishes like a couple who’d been married for years; each could think of nowhere else they’d rather be.
Jason Worthington had always been a guy with casual good looks. He had a shock of light brown hair that always seemed to look wind-blown, brown eyes and a mischievous-type of grin that made you think he was fun and willing to do anything. Ben had known him around