Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire?

Free Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? by Emily Stone

Book: Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? by Emily Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Stone
fashionable, but long enough she wouldn’t be tugging at the
hem all night.  There was a simple, silver metallic tie at the waist.  “This is
it—elegant, modest, unpretentious, fashionable without being trendy.  And most
importantly, you’ll look beautiful in it.  This black clutch with a little
bling, black heels, some big silver hoops in your ears and a silver cuff—that’s
all you need.”
           The dress was lovely, Nina thought.  Okay, confidence!  She smiled at Kennedy,
“You’re right.  Let me get into my La Perla.”
had offered to pick Nina up, but she didn’t really want him to see where she
lived.  Since he now owned every other aspect of her life, her home seemed like
the one thing that could still be hers.  And she’d taken the Porsche back to
the dealer, despite Daniel’s pleas, as it proved to be more trouble than it was
worth.  If it was up to her, she would have just taken the “T,” but Daniel
insisted on a driver/bodyguard, so her new muscle was coming to get her in a
town car—classy yet it wouldn’t call undue attention either.   She wondered,
too, if he was also a spy, but she didn’t share that thought with anyone else.
           Kennedy had
just finished taming her hair, when there was a knock at the door.  Rita went
to answer it and when she opened the door, there was an enormous man standing
in the corridor.  He wore a stylish black suit, a white dress shirt buttoned to
the collar, but no tie.  Nina thought he looked a lot like the actor Daniel
Craig, if Daniel Craig were 6’5” tall and weighed 225.  He looked confused as
he scanned the three women with serious eyes.  “I am Boris, which of you is
wanted to burst out laughing. He had a heavy Russian accent and his name was
actually Boris.  She should have let Elsa rename her Natasha!  She stuck up her
hand, “That would be me.” 
made a gesture toward the door.  “Please come.  We do not want to be late.”            Kennedy
smoothed down a flyaway hair, and Rita handed Nina her clutch.  “You look
gorgeous sis.  They will love you.”  Nina felt her stomach roll with nerves,
but concentrated on the beautiful lingerie she was wearing.  She straightened
up a bit, and lifted her chin.  She could do this.  “I’ll see you guys tomorrow
and give you the blow by blow.”
           As usual,
the paparazzi had tracked Daniel to the restaurant, and there was a crowd of
photographers lolling on the sidewalk.  As they pulled up, Boris looked in the
rearview mirror at Nina.  “Do not get out of the car until I am at your door,
even if the valet opens it.  Understand?”
    Nina nodded in
           It wasn’t
Boris’ first time at the rodeo, Nina realized.  The paparazzi paid the valet to
open the door and positioned themselves on the sidewalk for the up skirt shot. 
They didn’t even care if it was a celebrity or not, she realized, they just
wanted something salacious.  Boris whipped around the car and blocked their
view as Nina got out of the car, knees together.  He whispered to her, “Look
down so the flashes do not blind you.  Hold on to my arm, and I will make sure
no one touches you. Ready?”
           “Let’s do
split the paparazzi like Moses parting the Red Sea.  All he had to do was glare
at them, and they backed away.  Boris led her to a private dining room toward
the back of the restaurant and gestured for her to go on in.  He positioned
himself outside the door.
and his parents were already seated, and Nina felt a jangle of nerves.  Daniel
stood up to greet her, kissing her on the cheek.  That made Nina flush.  She
got a grip, and smiled at them.  “I’m so sorry, I hope you haven’t been waiting
on me.”
smiled at Nina.   “Not at all, my dear.  We were a bit early.  It’s very

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