Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series)

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Book: Finding Eva (Highland Creek Series) by Marie Garner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Garner
Tags: Romance
her of a 1950s neighborhood picnic.
    “How ya’ll?” the waitress asked as she placed plates in front of Eva and Aaron. Eva couldn’t help but notice that they were mismatched, and she seriously began to rethink her earlier opinion about him being an intelligent person. The waitress looked just like one would think at a place called the Redneck Rendezvous with frizzy red hair sticking up in all direction. The dress code was clearly casual, the uniform consisting of a plaid shirt, jeans, and white tennis shoes. Eva looked at him, hoping to display her displeasure, but didn’t think she got her point across if his laugh disguised as a cough was any indication.
    “We’re great, how are you?”
    “Same old. How are your folks?” Of course he knew the waitress—one of those crazy things about living in a small town that she didn’t understand.
    “Mom and Dad are good, thanks for asking. I’ll tell them you asked.”
    “You be sure to do that. And who is this?” she said, openly staring at Eva in curiosity.
    “This is Eva, she’s …”
    “Ms. Lizzie’s daughter. Sorry to hear about her passing. She was a really great woman.”
    “Thank you,” Eva replied naturally, resisting the urge to squirm in displeasure. Would she ever get away from hearing accolades of the woman that abandoned her? It made her want to pull out her hair.
    “Are ya’ll kids hungry? What can I get you to drink?” And just like that, the conversation about her mother was over. She was glad because she didn’t want to talk about her mother; she just wanted to eat.
    “I would like a Pepsi,” Aaron said.
    “And get me a Diet Dr. Pepper,” Eva said.
    “Well, I’ll be right back with your drinks and your food will be here shortly.” She walked off, and Eva looked at Aaron and puzzlement.
    “Did she say she would bring the food? I didn’t order!” she whispered, not to be overheard and appear rude.
    “Did I mention they just bring food to the table?”
    She just stared at him, certain she was going to kill him, and sure one of the rednecks in the damn place had a gun.

A aron figured the proper response was not to laugh, especially given the way that her face crinkled clouded and she looked like she wanted to do him bodily harm, but he couldn’t help himself. He probably should have warned her about the Redneck Rendezvous with more stuffed animals than a taxidermy office kept on hand.
    “Maybe I should have explained.”
    “You think,” she seethed before abruptly stopping whatever argument she was going to give and visibly composed herself. It was an amazing sight, but before he could question her, he saw that Ellen had returned with their drinks. Well, well, well, he thought, Little Miss Manners didn’t want to seem rude in front of what she thought was the help. He filed that away, never knowing when he would need that bit of information again, but checked it off as another point in her favor.
    “Thanks, Ellen.” He took both drinks, handing Eva’s hers.
    “You’re welcome, sweetie. Give me about five minutes for the food; we are just waiting on the biscuits.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” He nodded at her, manners ingrained from an early age.
    “Thank you.” Eva smiled politely, taking a sip of her diet Dr. Pepper, waiting for Ellen to go toward the kitchen before turning to him for an explanation. She gestured with her hand to continue. “You were saying?”
    He sipped his drink. “I have a feeling I should have told you about this before I brought you …”
    She bit her lip, nodding in agreement like she was talking to an idiot. “You think?”
    He laughed, ignoring the note of sarcasm. “Yep, definitely should have explained. Here’s the deal. Ellen, that nice but very southern waitress, is actually the owner of this place.”
    She glanced over to where Ellen was cackling like a loon with a family that sat across from them before turning back to Aaron. “You mean …”
    He saw he got her attention. “Yep.”

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