Out of Turn

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Book: Out of Turn by Tiffany Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Snow
a change, but I knew I needed to turn the air off. Mechanically, I went from window to window, opening each one wide. A slight breeze wafted in, which was nice, but it still got warm fast.
    I brushed my teeth and washed my face before climbing into bed. I didn’t bother changing, it was too hot to wear much, so I just shucked my shorts and the shirt I’d thrown on over my cami and lay on top of the sheets. I glanced at the bureau across the room. All my textbooks were stacked neatly on it. None of them had been in the kitchen or living room where Kade might have noticed them.
    As I lay there, I realized it was the first day in a long time that I hadn’t had a drink. I decided that was a Good Thing. I was even mildly concerned about Gage and the threat he posed. At least, enough to make sure Blane’s gun was fully loaded and within easy reach on my bedside table.
    Which didn’t help me at all when I was jerked awake sometime later by someone’s hand covering my mouth.
    My eyes flew open and I saw a man standing over me. I screamed, but the sound was muffled under his hand. I struggled, trying to pry his hand off me, only to freeze when he leveled a gun to my forehead.
    “Don’t make a sound,” he said. “Scream and you’re dead. Understand?”
    I nodded ever so slightly, my eyes glued to the gun.
    He slowly removed his hand and I took a deep breath, my brain working frantically.
    “Now here’s what’s going to happen,” he said. “You’re going to slowly stand up…”
    He moved back and I did as he said. My gaze flicked to my bedside table. The gun was gone.
    “Now walk into the living room.”
    I could feel the gun pointed at my back as I walked. My hands were clammy with sweat and my heart raced.
    “Who are you?” I asked.
    “Doesn’t matter.”
    “Are you going to kill me?” I’d reached the living room and saw the door to my apartment standing slightly ajar. He must have jimmied the lock and broken in.
    The man grasped my arm, turning me back around in front of the couch.
    “No. You’re going to kill yourself.” He motioned with the gun. “Sit.”
    My knees gave way and I sat heavily. Sweat trickled down between my breasts. The moonlight filtered through the open windows.
    “I’m not going to kill myself,” I said.
    “Of course you are. I get a bonus if you do.”
    I could see the man more clearly now and he wasn’t much to look at, though it was clear that meeting him in a dark alley would be inadvisable. Medium build with dark hair, his grip on the gun was steady and sure. I was willing to bet this wasn’t his first time at murder.
    “I could give a shit if you get a bonus,” I gritted out, anger beginning to burn away the fear. How dare this bastard invade my home? “Tell Gage to go fuck himself.”
    “Now is that any way for a lady to talk?” he mocked. “But dressed like that, I’m guessing you ain’t no lady. I’d give you a test drive myself, but the things they can do with DNA nowadays…” He shook his head forlornly, as though lamenting that he couldn’t rape me before killing me.
    “You should leave before I kill you,” I threatened. Rage was making me tremble.
    He laughed. “That’s a good one. What you’re really going to do is take this gun”—he held up my gun—“put the barrel inside your mouth, and pull the trigger.”
    “You’d have a better chance of getting me to suck your dick,” I spat.
    “Okay, let’s try this,” he said. “I suppose you know your friend—what’s her name, Alisha? Well, she got home a little while ago, romantic weekend getaway, you know. They must have had a real nice time, too, because she let him sleep over tonight.”
    My blood ran cold at his words.
    “So you either do as I say,” he continued, “or I’m going to go over there and put a bullet in both their heads.”
    I swallowed. “How do I know you won’t do that anyway?”
    He shrugged. “Because I said so. It’s messy, it’ll make noise and attract

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