Garnets or Bust
Chapter One
    Year 5, Saurellian Calendar

    Daaron crept up to the edge of the hillside on his belly, raising the scope of his rifle
    to his eyes, finger light on the trigger. The small figure of a woman came into focus and
    his breath hissed inward. He recognized her.
    Tessa Marasdottir.
    Of all the people in the damn Empire to find the garnet deposits, why the hell her?
    Tessa’s tiny form hunched over an ore processor, and from the excited tension she
    radiated he knew she’d struck pay dirt. She’d discovered cerulean star garnets, which
    just happened to be the new Emperor’s favorite gemstone. Before today, they could
    only be found on one planet in the entire Empire.
    The damn things would be worth a fortune, a dream come true for Tessa. Now
    Daaron’s job was to kill that dream. By all rights he should kill Tessa too. He sighed
    heavily and raised one hand to signal his men to hold their fire. He just couldn’t bring
    himself to do it, not yet.
    Tessa dropped something, falling to her knees and reaching under the processing
    platform to find it. The position pulled her sturdy work pants tight against her butt and
    Daaron’s breath caught on a surge of lust. He’d wanted to get his hands on that ass for
    years, ever since the first time he’d seen her at university. She had a tight, compact little
    body just soft and round enough to give a man all kinds of ideas—mostly about
    plowing her until she screamed for mercy. His cock stirred, prodding the ground
    painfully, which also brought back memories. No woman had turned him down before
    or since, yet he’d spent two years lusting after Tessa without so much as a kiss, let alone
    the long hard screw he needed.

    Garnets or Bust
    Nope, she’d protected her virtue against every type of assault, from his first gentle
    attempts to flirt to his final humiliating offers of money.
    Daaron lifted his pelvis, adjusting himself awkwardly, but the brief touch of his
    hand brushing his stubborn prick just made things worse. Trying to ignore his arousal,
    he studied her carefully through the scope. Long, reddish braids still swung down her
    back, reaching all the way to her knees. He hated those braids. A proud symbol of her
    purity and unwed state, they were the crowning glory for any girl raised in the Warrens
    of Tyre. Why a people would refuse to allow their women to have sex outside marriage
    was beyond him, but that stubborn, lower-class morality had kept her out of his bed.
    He would have given her anything, yet she rejected him.
    As he watched, Tessa stood and turned toward him, reaching both hands down to
    the small of her back, stretching. High, pointed breasts poked forward. Taunting him.
    He’d never seen them naked, but he’d watched her working out at the pool more than
    once. Her bathing suit, while modest, still left little to the imagination. He wanted to
    lick those nipples, suck on them while he thrust his fingers right into her cunt. Virgin
    territory, so tight it would hurt. Daaron reached down again, unable to resist gripping
    his cock as she turned away from him. His hips thrust down involuntarily, need
    hardening his thighs.
    How could he kill Tessa? She’d fought so hard to make her way in the world, rising
    above her birth to escape the Warrens and build a life for herself. And what a waste of a
    beautiful woman that would be… Daaron forced himself to pull his hand away from his
    crotch as a solution came to him.
    Maybe he wouldn’t have to kill her after all.
    * * * * *
    Tessa sat next to her fire in the cool evening air, studying an ancient colonial survey
    on her tablet. The brightly lit screen scrolled by quickly, dancing across the caparison
    data gleaned from fifteen core samples she’d taken earlier in the day. The last had been

    Joanna Wylde
    the best—who could have dreamed that she’d find a cerulean star garnet as big as her
    eye in a frigging core sample? Stuff like that never happened in the real world,

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