Sweet Beginning

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Book: Sweet Beginning by V. M. Holk Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. M. Holk
fast as I could.  I already felt like an ass, no reason to stick
     We both laughed, "Hey, I would have thought the same
thing.  I keep telling you that men are douche's! You need to get rid of asshat
first, before you even think of letting another one in. Come on, we better get
in the house, Mom will be looking for us."
    We walk into the house. Jazmin is at the counter helping
with the food, she looks over at us as we walk in.
    "How are you doing?" she asks.
    "I'm fine, thanks."
    She gives me a quick hug and goes back to work. We always
looked up to Jazmin, she is four years older than Jaylah and me. We always
tried to do our hair like her and dress like her. She was always so great about
it and would give us tips on fashion. We could always go to her about boys and
our problems.
    She has been married to Don for sixteen years. They have two
daughters as well, Angel is twelve and Alex is ten. My girls love to play with
them, they are like cousins.
     Don walks up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders
and squeezes.  "Hey girl, how is it going?"
    "I'm okay."
    "If you need anything, you let us know."
    I nod my head, he grabs a beer and goes back to the living
room. That's alot of emotion from Don. He has never been a big talker, but he's
a great guy. I smile to myself.
    "What can I do to help?" I ask Stella.
    "You and Jay go set the table," she smiles at me.
    As we are setting the table, I am thinking about last night.
Not only about Wyatt, but Kyle as well.
    "So....Kyle came up to the apartment last night."
    Jaylah's eyes get big, "You are only telling me this
now. What the hell Anne?"
    "I know, sorry. The girls wanted him to see their
    "Yeah and how did that go?"
    "It was actually nice. He gave me a kiss on the cheek
before he left, it was sweet."
    She shakes her head at me, but doesn't say anything. I can only imagine
what she is thinking. I hope things can stay civil between Kyle and I. Maybe
one day Jay and him will be better as well.
    After dinner and everything is all cleaned up. We all go
into the living room to open up gifts. The kids tear into their gifts and
wrapping paper is every where. I hand Jaylah her gift, I am so giddy to see her
reaction. She rips into her gift and I see the realization hit her. 
    "You bitch !  I can't believe you did this!
" she comes over and gives me a huge hug.  "This is to much Anne,
especially with what's going on."
    "Bullshit, JayJay. That's more of a reason for us to go
and enjoy ourselves. Everything is already set at work. We are going to have so
much fun!"  I say.
    "Damn you woman. I love you" she says, as her eyes
tear up.

    I am excited about our trip this weekend.  Kyle has the
girls this week. Jaylah has talked me into going out tonight for New Year's
Eve. This is the first time since I had Katie. We have gone to friends houses,
or hosted parties. It should be a fun night out and start of our vacation.
    I start packing my stuff, since there will be no time
tonight. I think about how this year has ended. This time last year, nobody
could have told me this was going to happen. I would have laughed at them. Kyle
and I getting divorced, no way. We had our problems, but I always thought we
could work them out. 
    With my suitcase packed, I take it out to my car. I get in
the car and head to Jaylah's. We decided I would spend the night at her house,
then drive out tomorrow.
    I pull up to Jaylah's and park in front. I sit there for a
bit and lean my head on the steering wheel. I am not sure about tonight.  I
know I'm being stupid, but it's the first time going out single. Well almost
single, at least I know Jaylah has my back. I have to keep telling myself to
relax and have a good time.
    I drove home yesterday, to avoid the snow storm they are
getting. It was nice to see everyone, especially my baby brother Emmett. We
have always been very close. When we were kids, where there was one, there was
always the other. We are only a

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