Sweet Beginning

Free Sweet Beginning by V. M. Holk

Book: Sweet Beginning by V. M. Holk Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. M. Holk
takes me forever to get the girls settled down. We set
out cookies and milk for Santa, then read "The Night Before
Christmas." I finally get them tucked into bed.
    Wow, what an evening this was. First with Wyatt, then the
surprise visit from Kyle. I sit on the couch to watch my favorite Christmas
movie "White Christmas." When its over, it should be safe to lay out
the presents.
    As I watch Anne drive away, I think....what a jackass. I
can't believe I made her feel that way. She couldn't get away from me fast
enough. I get into my pick up and drive the short distance to my one bedroom
house. It's not much, but it's on five acres of property, which is mostly
woods. I love walking through the woods, it always brings me peace. It's a nice
house, just small. Since it is only me, it works out perfect. 
    Mr. Nolan was so glad I said yes, when he showed it to me.
He told me it had been empty for almost six months.  He is in his early
seventies and reminded me of my grandfather. We hit it off right away, which
works out nice for both of us. I take care of the property and house, Mr. Nolan
gets an income.
    I pull into my drive and turn off the truck. I sit there for
a bit. I think about what happened, she isn't ready for any kind of
relationship. For that matter, neither am I. I get out of the truck, walk into
the house. I need to get some sleep, I have a long drive in the morning.
    The morning went by in a wrapping paper blur. I woke up to
the girls jumping on my bed and yelling at me to come see all their gifts. I
love watching Katie and Shannon on Christmas morning, every year. This is what
makes everything worth it.
    I have the girls call my mom and Stan to wish them a Merry
Christmas.  I waited for my dad to come, to call my brother, Jack.  I know my
brother and dad are not real close, like mom and me. It's to bad that things
aren't different. But sometimes things work out the way they are supposed to
be, no matter what we think or do.
    I get everything cleaned up from brunch. I wish my dad would
go with us to Jaylah's parents. I never understand why he says no. He plays
horse shoes with Jaylah's dad Mike, once a week in the summer. They play Euchre
every month all year long, plus they have talked about trying a dart league
together. Maybe because its a holiday, I'm not sure.
    I get Katie and Shannon dressed and finish getting myself
ready. I told them they could pick one toy to take with them. It's always hard
to leave the house on Christmas day.
    We arrive at Papa Mike and Nana Stella's house, as my girls
call them.  How lucky that my girls have so many sets of grandparents, that
truely love them. We pull up to the house and Jaylah is on the deck having a
cigarette. Katie and Shannon wave to her, then run into the house to play with
the rest of the kids. I walk up to the deck and look at Jaylah.
    "Join me in the garage, toots." she says as she
grabs my arm. I laugh, because I know this means spill time. As we step in the
garage, Jaylah looks at me and says, "Spill!" 
    I laugh at her.  "Spill what?  Whateva do you mean,
JayJay?" If looks could kill, I would have been dead.
    "Don't mess with me, woman. We don't have lots of
time.....SPILL!" she yells at me. 
    I smile, "Not much to tell. He came over for dinner, we
talked a little and he helped me carry all my presents out to my car. He
gave me his phone number." I whispered the last part, in hopes that
she really didn't hear it.
    "WHAT???  Did he ask you out?"
    I roll my eyes and sigh. "No.  I thought he was. As I
was explaining to him that I wasn't divorced yet, he interupted me to tell he
wasn't asking me out.  He was giving it to me as a friend, in case I needed
someone to talk to about my divorce." She looks at me with a confused look
and then mad.
    "He got divorced six months ago." I say in way of
    She looks at me and shakes her head.  "What did you
    I smile, "I wished him a Merry Christmas, got in my car

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