Alpha Billionaire 3

Free Alpha Billionaire 3 by Helen Cooper

Book: Alpha Billionaire 3 by Helen Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Cooper
saying, Grant?” Tyler’s voice was lethal and I could feel the power coursing through his body as his fingers gripped my skin. “Eugenie’s alive?”
    “She’s in the house.” I spoke up again. “Grant did something to her. He won’t let her leave. I think he’s been keeping her as his slave or something. I think he’s been drugging her. That’s what her letters said.”
    Tyler turned to me, his eyes surveying my face for a few seconds. “Put your clothes on. We need to go.”
    I nodded and grabbed my clothes and pulled them on quickly. Tyler and Grant stood there staring at each other wordlessly. I could see that Grant looked scared. I wondered what Tyler was going to do to him.
    “You have to let Eugenie go.” Tyler said softly. “And you have to leave.”
    “But Tyler...” Grant’s voice trailed off as Tyler glared at him.
    “It’s over, Grant.”
    “Where am I supposed to go?”
    “You’ll find someplace.”
    “Can I come back?” Grant looked at me for a split second and then back at Tyler. “I can be your driver, like before, I don’t mind.”
    “No. It’s over for you and me Grant.” Tyler stepped forward and grabbed his shirt. “You’ve failed me. You nearly made me lose the one girl I’ve always wanted.”
    “Tyler.” Grant’s voice sounded whiny and I watched the man before me turn into a little boy.
    “It’s over, Grant. It should have been over a long time ago.” Tyler turned to me. “Thank you for telling me about Eugenie.” He said softly and I smiled at him awkwardly. How had he just accepted what I had to say without questioning me? It was almost as if he had guessed that something wasn’t right. Maybe he’d even heard the slight creaks and noises in the night and wondered what was going on. Maybe he was finally ready to move on from the pain and the heartache he suffered. Now he knew the truth. And now we could be together.
    “So you won.” Grant’s voice was a monotone. “Once again you won.”
    “Go now, let Eugenie go and leave.” Tyler had a small smirk on his face and I shivered in the night air.
    “Shouldn’t we go and make sure that he lets her go?” I grabbed his arm. “Do you really trust him?”
    “Grant knows that if he doesn’t let her go, he will find himself in a very bad place.” Tyler’s voice held a lightly veiled threat.
    “I’ll go now.” Grant nodded and looked at me one last time. “I wish you would have chosen me, Evie. I wish you would have chosen me.”

Chapter Seven
    I watched as Tyler ran into a store and walked over to a fruit stall in the market to buy some fresh oranges and apples. The last couple of days had been magnificent without Grant and Eugenie in the house. I felt like I was really getting to know Tyler well. It felt odd that I still hadn’t gone back home yet. And even odder to be starting a relationship with him under these circumstances, but it just felt right. He had already paid off all of my student loans and while it made me feel slightly guilty, I knew that he could afford to and wanted to help me out. I didn’t see it as anything wrong. He wanted to take care of me because he was falling in love with me. He was my Prince Charming. All of these years I’d waited for him and he’d finally come along.
    “You’re the new girl?” An older lady with dark hair stared at me from under her hat as I looked at the fruit in the stall in front of her. “You should leave.”
    “Sorry, what?” I frowned at her, wondering what she was talking about.
    “You’re the new girl up at Slate Manor?” Her eyes narrowed as she surveyed me. “That’s a scary place. It’s almost like it’s haunted.” Her eyes never left my face.
    “Uhm yeah, but Grant Slate is no longer there.” I almost whispered. “It’s just me and Tyler now.” As I spoke to her I realized I didn’t even know his last name.
    “Tyler is a Slate as well.” She paused. “They’re cousins.”
    “I know.” I stared back at her

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