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Book: Entangled by Annie Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
I’m just trying to be nice. “Yes, he needs a place to live so why not? I don’t see the big deal.” I put my slippers on and go into the kitchen. She makes a choking noise; I send her a death glare.
    “Please, do you not see how it’s going to look? You and Trouble all alone?”
    “God, knock it off. I’m just trying to be nice. You should try it for once; it may help you gain a few friends. Or fuck buddies.” The words are out before I think. I do damage control, not that I’m not right. “Anyway, why does being nice always mean there’s an ulterior motive attached?” I clean up the kitchen before stalking into my bedroom to straighten up in there too. I’m in cleaning mode but I should be heading out the door.
    “I’m just saying, Landon may not like it.” She calls to me from her spot at the kitchen table. And so there it is, all about Landon. What Landon thinks, how Landon feels, what it’ll do to his health. For Christ’s sake, what about mine? He doesn’t fucking own me.
    I stick my head out of the room to look at her, “Since when did he run my life?” I don’t wait for an answer but it shuts her up. I pull out a pair out a pair of shorts and a pink tank top and get dressed, trading my slippers for my flip flops and throwing my hair in a quick ponytail. I grab a cup of coffee, my keys and tell Andi goodbye.
    “Just be careful, Mads. I don’t trust him.” I roll my eyes and close the door behind me. My car is messy but it’ll have to do. Besides, he saw it once already and said nothing and we’re taking his jeep today, so yay. For some reason, there’s excitement in my chest and my stomach is doing some sort of dancey-dance thing at the thought of seeing him. I think he’s just a new “shiny toy” and it’s a bit unnerving but also intriguing. We were always the group of four, and even when we had our other friends from high school around, everyone knew us and what went on in our town. With a new person around, it’s exciting. And he’s very private and mysterious. I want to figure him out. I want to take apart this puzzle and piece it all back together until I can figure out the mystery behind him.
    I pull up to Linda’s, he’s there leaning ever so casually against the side of his jeep, waiting. He sees me and straightens. He does look a bit dangerous. I look at him for a minute and wonder how many girls he’s slept with. He finally approaches my car and leans down as I’m rolling my window down. “You’re late.” I open my door, almost hitting him and roll the window back up.
    “I’m sorry; I don’t remember settling on a time. I also got home from work and cleaned a little. Some of us do have jobs.”
    I step out of the car and close the door, lean against it and cross my arms defiantly. “Ouch, that hurt.” He says, in mockery. “No, wait it didn’t. I remember having a job too.” I follow him to the jeep parked closer to the house. He opens the passenger door, waiting for me to get in. I sneer at him before climbing in.  “Such a gentleman.” I retort, sarcastically. He snorts but says nothing. I glance around, inspecting his tidy space. Does he own anything?
    He climbs into the driver’s seat. “So, what job do you have?” He finally asks. I drop my hands into my lap and lean against the door, facing him.
    “I work at a clinic in town. I’ve worked there since I was 17.” He looks impressed, I could care less. Actually, I do care. I need to lay off a bit. If he’s asking questions about me, that means he’s interested to know me or at least what I do, right?
    “So you’re an animal lover, I’m guessing.”
    “You’re guessing correct. I’ve never owned an animal but I love helping them. My dream is to be a Vet.” I watch out his window and shift my eyes to his face when he’s not paying attention.
    “That’s really cool. I had a dog and cat when I was a kid. They were my best friends, the best part of my childhood. What’s your favorite

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