Fire In Her Eyes

Free Fire In Her Eyes by Amanda Heath

Book: Fire In Her Eyes by Amanda Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Heath
have a moment of clarity through the pain, and I let out an ear-piercing scream. This pisses him off beyond belief and he slams my head into the closed truck door above it. I see stars as I feel him push up my skirt.
    I let myself drift away.
      It’s almost as if a calm has come over me. He’s done and I’m still alive, I just hope that I’m still that way in a few minutes. I didn’t think about what was being done to m e. I thought of Spencer and his beautiful smile with his dimple : how he makes me feel when I’m around him; the way his skin feels when I touch it; that wonderful musky earth smell I get a whiff of whenever he’s near. My gua rdian angel, who I think I hear yelling my name.
    Dylan doesn’t react like he hears anything.
    Great now I’m hearing things.
    All of a sudden, Dylan is thrown out of the truck. I hear something being said but I can’t make it out. I catch a glimpse of Dean and then I see Spencer. It really is my angel. He came to save me. I love him so much it hurts. I move my head a little bit to see what is going on. Dean and Spencer are beating the shit out of Dylan. Then he falls to the ground and they start kicking him.
      “Don’t kill him...” It only comes out as a whisper, my throat is so dry. “Spencer...” It’s a little louder now. “SPENCER!” There he looked over at me.
    His perfect face is so pale. He looks so sickly. I try and reach for him but my arms won’t move. Why won’t they move? I’m so confused. I can’t feel anything. I’m so numb. “Baby girl...I’m so sorry, baby girl. I’m so fucking sorry.” I look up into his face. When did he climb up into the truck with me? Tears are falling from his pale eyes and I think all he needs are some wings. I really want to lift my hand and touch his face but of course they still refuse to work.
    “My angel...” I whisper. He is saying other stuff, but I have no idea what it is. My ears no longer work. I can barely keep my eyes open. They are so fucking heavy. “Paige...yo u have to find Paige, angel.” I tell him right before all the lights go out.
    “Yeah, hello?” I say into my phone. It’s been ringing off the hook for the last ten minutes. I’ve been waiting at the bar for Dean to come back from the bathroom. We decide d that we aren’t having any fun with just us so we are going to meet up with the girls. Lucy and Carter have been trying to get a hold of me but I want to surprise Harley.
    “Spencer, we can’t find Harley or Paige anywhere. Are they with you?” Carter sounds a little hysterical, which is odd. She’s had this permanent, apathetic attitude for as long as I can remember. “No, chick, they aren’t with us. Why are you so upset about this?” I see Dean walk out of the bathroom and he is also on the phone looking a little upset himself. I give him a questioning look but he just holds up a finger.
    “I’m upset because Mason said he heard that some guy slipped something into Harley’s drink. She was acting really drunk after one beer, but we all thought she just had more to drink before we got here.”
      I feel a coldness wash over me and all the blood drain from my face. “We are coming. Keep looking for them.” I hang up just as Dean does. We share a dark look and race out of the bar. We climb into Dean ’s little car and speed off towards The Hangover. God, please don’t let it be what I think it is. Please, I beg of you!
    My legs are jumping up and down on the floor board and I can’t seem to keep still. We are going really fast, but it doesn’t seem fast enough. My phone rings again. This time it’s Lucy. “Did you find them?”
    “No, we didn’t...we found a puddle of blood next to Carter’s car. I don’t know what to do.” I hear a male voice in the background, and then her voice comes back over the line. “Get here please.” She hangs up.
    What should have taken twenty minutes took ten as we pull up into the gravel parking

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