The 1-Minute Weight Loss Cheat Sheet – Quick Shortcuts & Tactics for Busy Women

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Book: The 1-Minute Weight Loss Cheat Sheet – Quick Shortcuts & Tactics for Busy Women by Jennifer Jolan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Jolan
more or less willy-nilly, for everything from anxiety to pain, high blood pressure, and insomnia—minor ailments that in no way warrant such a huge risk.
    "[The information] the FDA had points very clearly not just to the fact that [SSRI] drugs can cause a problem, but that on balance, they harm more people than they help,"  Dr. Healy says. "How the FDA squared this, I'm not sure."

Do Prescription Drugs Save Lives?
    The short answer is yes. Having said that, I never can remind you enough that the solution is not to blame the drugs any more than the problem of murder can be blamed on the existence of guns. The problem is how the drug industry, with the help of the medical complex and the government, work together to miss the forest from the trees.
    In his writings ,  Dr. Healy expands on the skewed data and other manipulation techniques employed in drug trials. While antidepressants seem to get the lion’s share of discussion today when it comes to unneeded prescription drugs, the situation in terms of falsely proving benefits is the same problem for any drug.
    Statins, for example, can indeed lower your cholesterol levels, and many do so quite well. So in that sense, they “work.” But as with antidepressants, if you ask the question “Do statins save lives?” the answer becomes rather murky.
    “If you ask the question ‘Are people going to be better able to work on these drugs?’ then the answer is clear: They're actually going to be less able to go to work,”  Dr. Healy says. “They’re going to have a range of problems and other symptoms that they didn't have off the pills.
    “Now, if you got marginally raised lipid levels, that is not something that interferes with your capacity to work. But if you’re on a drug like one of the statins for instance, you are on a drug that may cause muscle aches, pains, cognitive failures, and may seriously interfere with your capacity to work.”
    Osteoporosis drugs are another good example of drugs that, overall, appear to do much more harm than good.
    “They say up to a third of women over the age of 50 have osteoporosis,”  Dr. Healy says. “But they don’t. This is an osteoporosis that’s created by the DEXA scanners that the pharmaceutical companies gave away for free when they were marketing drugs for osteoporosis. If you scan bones, you'll almost always find little bits of thinning here and thinning there.
    “So you can create the diagnosis of osteoporosis, and you put these women on pills. Because they're on pills, they think their bones are brittle, so they’ll probably do the wrong thing, which is they’ll think they shouldn’t go out and mow the lawn. They shouldn't jog... because their bones are brittle and they might have a fracture. But in fact, getting out to mow the lawn, jog, and get physically fit is a much better thing for them to be doing than to be taking osteoporosis pills, unless they’ve got very severe osteoporosis.”
    Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD, has this to say: “Personally, I don't see a reason for ever using an osteopo rosis drug. They're extremely poisonous, and they kill your osteoclasts, the cells responsible for destroying old damaged and unnecessary bone cells that set your osteoblasts up to replace it with new bone tissue. This creates a dynamic balance of bone resorption and bone building. They make your bone denser, but at the same time they make them  weaker.”
    Did you hear Dr. Mercola there? He does not hold back when he states clearly that a popular osteoporosis drug (Fosamax) actually causes leg fractures!

So What Can You Do?
    You must go to the doctor once in a while. And sometime in your life the odds are great that you will be hospitalized more than once.
    Your answer to avoiding the pitfalls of prescription medicine is not to avoid all doctors and hospitals. That could be deadly. If you are of that mindset, you are making the incorrect assumption that you never need the medical industry or the drugs it offers.

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