The 1-Minute Weight Loss Cheat Sheet – Quick Shortcuts & Tactics for Busy Women

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Book: The 1-Minute Weight Loss Cheat Sheet – Quick Shortcuts & Tactics for Busy Women by Jennifer Jolan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Jolan
You need to re-read the first few pages of this book to see the ways that the medical industry has prolonged life using techniques and drugs.
    The answer is to begin being smart about your choices. The answer is to be aware that your doctor is human. You need to be aware that mistakes in hospitals, most of which are understaffed, are far too common. This all requires that you use some commonsense.
    First, question everything. If you have a 2- or 3-day hospital stay, when offered a pill or IV always ask what it is and what it is for. You don’t need a medical degree to know that given two of the same sleeping pills just 20 minutes apart is probably a mistake and not by design. You don’t have to be a jerk when you question a procedure that your doctor wants you to have. Just use each interaction as an opportunity to learn more about what is going on with your body to help you get well.

To Add to the Problem, It’s Difficult to Know Who to Trust
    Sadly, there is no easy way to determine what you can trust when it comes to medical research and official treatment guidelines. So much has been tainted by economic conflicts of interests. In many ways, a doctor who strictly keeps to the guidelines is going to be far more controlled by the pharmaceutical industry than might be good for your health.
    “ We're in a world where you want a doctor who, for the sake of giving you good care, is prepared to take the risk of losing their job, because this is the world that good doctors increasingly are being forced into. They’re being forced into being the kind of physician that says, ‘I know the guidelines are wrong. Yes, they based it on the latest evidence. But the industry actually controls the evidence, and as far as they do, they control the guidelines process also. I'm going to go by what seems to be the best thing for me to do for my patients.’
    “ Unfortunately, there's no simple way to pick out articles in the literature and say, ‘We can believe this and not that.’ In fact, you could almost say that the articles in what we used to think of as the best journals in the field – like the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and other journals like this – are more likely to be compromised than articles in perhaps journals that are less well-known.”  – Dr. David Healy
    A perfect example of this is the article by Dr. Joseph Mercola about a study that was widely promoted in the media, which declared that eggs were associated with as much risk for strokes as smoking . Dr. Mercola systematically shows that was a critically flawed study. And when one looks at the funding of the study, one discovers strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Two of the three researchers in question have declared interests in statins. Now do you think the companies that make statins might have a vested interest in getting you to be afraid of cholesterol? (Yes.) The third researcher helped create the vegan “Portfolio Diet,” which only allows egg substitutes and then only sparingly, so he too has a financial stake in scaring people away from eggs.
    Note: I performed a detailed analysis of the Portfolio Diet in my Celebrity Diets: 50 Fast Weight Loss Diets Used by Celebrities and Hardcore Dieters . If anything, we find that the Portfolio Diet is possibly far worse than Dr. Mercola makes it sound. If you put your teenage sons on a strictly vegan diet, you can expect them to develop the upper body strength of their toddler sisters.

More than 40,000 Medical Mistakes Daily!
    T he  Thirteenth Annual HealthGrades Hospital Quality in America Study  concluded in 2011 some horrible observations:
    HealthGrades has been studying the quality of care in the nation's hospitals since 1988. This year they analyzed approximately 40 million Me dicare patients’ records from 2007 through 2009, and found that 1 in 9 patients developed a hospital-acquired infection.
    The HealthGrades report said that “the incidence rate of medical harm occurring is

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