The Alpha King
myself being very protective of my sweet little mate," Blaze apologized.
    Percy blinked, stupefied. He had known Blaze and his brother, Buck, for years and had never heard Blaze apologize, not even when he slammed open a door into a servant's face. He'd merely growled and told the servant to watch where they were fucking going next time. Percy opened his mouth to reply when his entire body heated up as if it were on fire, his cock hardened, and his eyes slid shut when he smelled fresh wood, melted chocolate, and a deep musky scent that made his mouth water. The greatest smell ever, and he instantly knew Buck, the Beta Prince… his unclaimed and unacknowledged mate… had walked up behind him.
    "Hey, Percy, how's it hanging?" Buck asked.
    His deep velvety voice wrapped around him and hardened his cock further. Percy hated how Buck always pretended as if everything was fine between them. He hated how Buck seemed to have no problem with them not being mated. Most of all, he hated the fact he still craved the bigger man. If Buck so much as crooked his finger at him, Percy's wolf would wag his tail and rush towards the other man. After all this time, the excuses, the false starts to their claiming, the kisses that always ended abruptly, the lies, the arguments and worst of all, the hurtful words thrown at him by Buck, Percy hated knowing he still loved the other man. Gods, he'd grown sick of loving Buck.
    Biting off a terse reply, he bowed towards Buck, "Hello, Your Highness, all is well. Is there anything I can get for you? I'm heading to the kitchens to have my own breakfast, but I can bring something back, if you so require?" Percy used his most formal voice.
    * * * *
    Watching the tension-filled conversation from the bed, Blaze decided to test the mental link he shared with his mate.
    "Don't freak out on me, but are you noticing the tension between my brother and Percy?" he asked.
    Tal stiffened slightly and turned wide eyes towards him. "Holy shit! Are you talking to me in my mind?"
    Blaze winced when the shouted words reverberated in his head.
    Blaze grinned and chuckled softly through their link before answering. "Yes, it's another of those mating a Tumaron wolf perks."
    "Maybe you can sit down and share all of these 'perks' with me someday soon." Tal raised an eyebrow in Blaze's direction. "As far as your brother and Percy go…" Tal glanced back at the two men who seemed to be having a very silent, very heated discussion. "It's obvious they're mates like us and that they're both hopelessly in love with the other, but something is holding your brother back from claiming his fated half. I wish I knew what."
    Blaze nodded. He completely agreed. "Perhaps we could look into it? I want my brother to be happy and I'm afraid that will never happen as long as he's denying Percy. And he's making my assistant miserable at the same time, which is not a good idea. I need Percy at his best and I need Buck's head to be in the right place, neither of which will happen if they continue in this fashion. Besides, my brother is always sad and angry and Percy is always brokenhearted. It puts me in a very awkward position. I feel torn between my brother and my assistant, who is also my ward. I want them to be mated so this will stop happening. We'll definitely have to look into it. There's more to their story than what we know."
    * * * *
    "Why so formal, Percy?" Buck asked, his voice low and frustrated.
    "You are royalty and I am a servant, as you so kindly reminded me last night, how else am I supposed to speak to you if not formally… Your Highness," Percy pointed out, a slight thrill going through him when he heard Buck's frustrated growl.
    It served him right. Buck wanted him. And Buck knew they were fated to be together. They had been hours away from becoming mates, over a decade before, in truth when Buck suddenly changed his mind. Percy had grown tired of trying to get the Beta Prince to tell him, what had made him

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