Educating Jane Porter
She couldn’t wait to attend the ball as a very special guest would be in attendance, her ex—Peter Ellington.
    Revenge would be sweet indeed.

About the Author
    To learn more about Dominique Adair, please visit Send an email to Dominique at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Dominique at

Look for these titles by Dominique Adair
    Available Now:

    Seducing Jane Porter

    Coming Soon:

    Reinventing Jane Porter

Being bad never felt so good…

    Seducing Jane Porter
    © 2008 Dominique Adair
    After being jilted by her former master, Jane Porter looks to end her year-long celibacy by attending a bondage-themed event. Thanks to her ex-boyfriend’s stunning betrayal, she isn’t looking for happily-ever-after, just a master who’s willing to explore the depths of her passion and teach her what the BDSM lifestyle is all about.
    Antonio Villareal was a wanted man. Single, rich and good looking, he’s on the hunt for a submissive to share his world. The moment he sees Jane on the arm of another man, he wants to possess her body and soul. The only problem is; Jane makes it clear she isn’t a forever kind of girl.
    Can Antonio convince Jane to give him a chance?
    Enjoy the following excerpt for Seducing Jane Porter:
    Exquisite was the only word to describe her. She moved easily beside her escort, with a grace that was undeniable. With her easy smile and hot body, his cock was already standing at attention.
    Considering she’d come to a bondage-themed party, her dress was modest. Her black skirt was longer than most though it showcased her long, shapely legs. The corset nipped in at the waist and just the sight of the tiny hooks down the front created an itch in his fingers. He’d bet her nipples were rosy and would taste like sweet wine.
    At the tender age of fifteen, he’d lost his virginity to a lusty field worker at his father’s vineyard. In the sun with the scents of crushed grapes and lavender, he’d worshipped her full curves and she’d made a man out of him. Ever since then his tastes had run to a larger, curvier physique with the exception of his most recent ex, Giselle. There was something about a plush female figure that turned him on. Just thinking of her, the baby soft skin and all those delicious curves to explore, sent all his blood rushing to his cock.
    “There she is,” Antonio said.
    “The blonde on Jean Jacques’ arm.”
    Santos made a noise of approval. “As always, you have excellent taste in women, my friend.”
    “I’m glad you approve.”
    “And will you share this one with your best friend?”
    “We’ll have to see how adventurous she is.”
    Antonio vividly remembered the first time he and Santos had shared a woman. They’d been at college here in America and Santos had picked up a beautiful Latino girl with long, dark hair and wicked hands. It had been she who’d convinced them to overcome their hesitation and join her in the bed. With that beautiful woman sandwiched between them, both men had experienced a deeper level of pleasure than ever before.
    Over the years they’d shared many women though none would ever be considered a relationship. It was all in good fun and they treated their mutual women like queens both in bed and out.
    The image of the blonde in his bed struck him with the force of a hammer blow. Her lush body on his sheets, her silken cries as he ate at her pussy like a starving man…
    His breathing increased.
    Wet, hot, hungry for both of them…
    His cock in her mouth, or her bare ass up in the air as Santos paddled her…
    He gritted his teeth, glorying in the swift rush of lust that struck him. The sensation was thick like warm honey in his veins. His breath left in a rush and he swore. His zipper dug into his engorged cock with such force it was all he could do not to wince.
    “Slow down, my friend, we don’t even know

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