The Accidental Mistress

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Book: The Accidental Mistress by Tracy Anne Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Anne Warren
sophistication. Added to that was the fact that he was, without question, the handsomest man in the room. Of course, given his undeniable masculine beauty, he was likely to be the handsomest man in
    And he was looking at her.
    Glancing down at her plate, she struggled to slow the rapid pace of her heartbeat, aware of him as if he were seated only inches away instead of feet.
He really ought to stop,
Lily thought, silently chiding him as she cut a tiny piece of the roast venison with cherry port sauce and lifted the bite to her lips. Despite the buttery tenderness of the meat, she had difficulty swallowing, knowing if she glanced up she would find those mesmerizing amber eyes still upon her.
    Luckily she didn't think anyone else in the room had noticed Lord Vessey's attentions toward her, despite the fact that he'd been playing his little game through the entirety of the meal. Even while he ate his dinner and chatted with the guests to his right and left, he had kept her in his sights, his gaze stroking over her like a sleek, velvety glove. His visual caresses set her body atingle as memories of his talented hands and glorious kisses replayed themselves in her mind.
    Of all the unlikely coincidences, she still couldn't believe she had encountered him here tonight, particularly when she'd thought never to see him again!
    Shock was the only word to describe her earlier reaction when she'd turned around at Davina's urging and found him standing before her. She'd very nearly died on the spot. He had been equally surprised, she could tell, his eyes mirroring the astonishment she had felt. At least he had given his promise not to reveal how they had really met, nor the way she had been attired at the time—behavior many would consider scandalous were it to become generally known.
    No, on that score at least, she knew she could relax. Lord Vessey had given his word as a gentleman, and she believed him. But what did he think he was about, gazing at her with such rapt attention? Was he simply "punishing" her for her so-called wild behavior, or was that really desire she saw gleaming in his eyes? And if it was, how should she react?
    Soon the main course was cleared, dessert and coffee served, along with a sweet wine for the ladies and a fortified vintage for the gentlemen. Lily was trying to make polite conversation with the man on her left when she once again caught the marquis's eye.
    Meeting his gaze directly this time, she watched as he gave her a slow smile. Raising his wineglass, he took a drink, his strong throat working beneath his cravat. Her mouth grew dry, her pulse pounding as his tongue slid out to catch an errant drop of wine—the act leaving his own mouth moist and gleaming as if he'd just indulged in a heated kiss.
    Her nipples hardened beneath the fabric of her bodice.
    Good God,
she realized,
he's seducing me without so much as a touch! Dangerous. That's what he is. Far too dangerous for me.
    Relief swept through her when Davina called for the ladies to withdraw, Lily's legs shaking slightly as she rose and walked from the room. Entering the drawing room, she accepted a cup of tea, then crossed to take a seat on one of the sofas. As she sipped the gently steaming beverage, she considered the marquis.
    Some men a woman can handle,
she mused,
and some men a woman cannot.
Ethan Andarton was unquestionably one of the latter variety. She might not know him well, but already she could tell he was strong-willed and persistent, the kind of man who would never allow himself to be manipulated or persuaded from his chosen course.
    What she found herself wondering was whether or not his "chosen course" currently included pursuing her. His behavior at dinner would certainly seem to suggest the possibility—the mere recollection of his gaze enough to provoke a full-body flush.
    Her intuition told her to flee.
    Her head told her not to be a silly goose.
    True, he made her tingle in ways and places she'd never

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