A Gentleman's Promise
regular gowns. Either way, the room was a kaleidoscope of color and elegance. Charlotte smiled at Rose and wondered if she too had looked like that three years ago , full of hopes and dreams, when she’d had her debut in London.
    The memory of James and his elegance of courtship that had been a mask like the one she now wore , made her tremble with regret. How had she not sensed his rotten core? Rose clasped her arm and pulled her from her musings and Charlotte promised she wouldn’t let her cousin suffer the same fate. She would have her marry for love and nothing less.
    “He is here,” Rose said.
    Charlotte frowned and turned to her cousin. “Who is here, dearest?”
    “The gentleman I wrote to you about. You know, the one who had to leave on urgent business in London just , be f ore he could propose.”
    Charlotte refra in ed from mentioning to her young cousin that the gentleman’s hightailing it to the capital could have been because an offer of marriage was expected. It was just like something James would do. Take his fill and then walk away without a backward glance, and not a blot on his conscience.
    “Perhaps you could introduce me.” Charlotte smiled at Rose and she nodded her eyes bright with excitement.
    “I would like that,” Rose said.
    Charlotte turned her attention back to the guests, some dancing, others gambling and chatting in groups about the room. She spied Amelia and waved to her dearest friend who was dressed as a tavern wench, her bust almost spilling from her gown.
    Feeling a prick l ing of desire across her skin, Charlotte looked towar d the card room and spied Mason leaning casually against the door . He was dressed in a black superfine suit and black silk breeches. His waistcoat embroidered with intricate gold stitching matched his golden cravat. Never had she thought she’d react to a ma n like she did when he was present. Like her skin, her very being was attached to him in some way, reliant on him to keep her alive. Alive with desire and love.
    “He’s coming this way.”
    C harlotte tore her gaze from Mason and turned toward Rose as a sli v er of dread ran up her spine. “ You never told me the gentleman’s name, Rose. Who was it that you formed an understanding with in Bath?”
    Rose l eaned toward her to enable privacy. “Lord Helsing from Somerset. Perhaps you know him as I understand his country estate resides not far from your parent s’ home.”
    Charlotte fought the bout of nausea that settled in her stomach. “ Lord Helsing was the one from who m you expected an offer of marriage?”
    Rose nodded. “Yes. He courted me most ardently in Bath and mama was sure he was in love with me. But then he just up and left, made an excuse to papa about urgent business in the capital.”
    Urgent business . Was she, Charlotte , the urgent business? She had wondered why all of a sudden he was back in town and seemingly courting her. Anger thrummed through her veins at the thought he’d used her cousin and now her. But that wasn’t really the case, as Charlotte was the one who sought him out. Asked him to lie with her.
    She watched him walk toward her and noticed his step faltered when he spied Rose standing beside her. Charlotte ground her teeth. W hat Rose had said was true. He’d cour ted her cousin and left her hang ing like a ripe apple on a tree.
    He continued on and bowed when he stopped before them. Charlotte held his gaze before she curtsied. “Lord Helsing, you know my cousin, Miss Rose Lancer of course.”
    Charlotte didn’t miss the widening of his eyes at the manner of her introduction that held no warmth.
    “Of course,” he bowed. “It ’ s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Lancer.”
    “Rose, please, Lord Helsing. We are acquainted well enough for you to use my given name.”
    “Perhaps in Bath, my dear but in London it is best to use your proper salut ation.” Charlotte glared at Mason and hoped he could read the fury over his behavior in her eyes. “ My

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