Seduced by Darkness
ring of muscle.
    From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Lillian,
who’d moved aside. “We’re not done with you yet,” Luke said. “On the altar.
    He’d expected her to refuse, if Heidi wouldn’t, so when
Lillian simply did as she was told, Luke shook his head to clear it. God, no
wonder Varin had loved them both. They were so similar, yet somehow everything
he adored about Heidi seemed amplified in her, while those same qualities
appeared dimmed in Lillian. Hidden beneath the surface.
    The man who finally managed to peel back the layers of
Lillian’s soul was in for a real treat. He only hoped someone actually took the
time to do it.
    That is, if they lived long enough.
    Putting that thought out of his mind, he glanced between
Lillian’s parted thighs. The folds of her pussy glistened with her arousal. She
kept her hands at her sides, but her palms were clenched into fists. To keep
from touching herself, he thought.
    No problem. If she wouldn’t do it, he would.
    Reaching between Lillian’s legs to stroke the wet heat
nestled there while at the same time thrusting the candle into Heidi’s slick
pussy took some coordination, but Luke managed. The women moaned in unison, the
sound of their gathering pleasure warring with the howls coming from outside.
    Thick and pulsing, Luke’s cock easily found a way to nestle
snugly between Heidi’s parted ass cheeks. He held his throbbing rod there for a
moment, letting the full impact of what he had in mind sink in.
    “My thoughtful men,” Heidi murmured, love clearly echoing
through her words. “I should have known you wouldn’t leave me wanting.”
    She tossed her curls over a shoulder and sent him a wicked,
heart-stopping smile. A real smile that even seeing his fingers play
among Lillian’s delicate folds didn’t manage to dim.
    Her eyes sparkled as she touched the tip of her tongue to
her upper lip. That small, innocent gesture nearly made Luke spill his load.
    “You get it now, don’t you?” Heidi asked, turning to
Lillian. The woman ducked her chin into her chest and avoided Heidi’s eyes.
“You understand why I sacrificed everything for them?”
    Lillian shook her head, looking baffled. Her stomach muscles
contracted and she whimpered as Luke slipped a finger inside her moist pussy.
    Unconcerned with whether or not Lillian could conceive the
depth of what had happened between him, Heidi and Varin, Luke pressed the tip
of his cock against the entrance to Heidi’s back passage.
    She grunted softly and he went slow, feeding the candle
between the folds of her pussy, twirling it slightly as her inner walls
adjusted to the thick intrusion.
    He flicked his other wrist and thrust deeply inside
Lillian’s cunt, adding a second finger alongside the first. She quivered and
lowered her body, taking more of him inside her.
    Slick with her juices, Luke’s cock slipped easily inside
Heidi’s ass. He took his time, letting her set the pace. She didn’t wait long
before nudging her ass against his groin, pushing herself along the length of
his shaft, demanding everything he had to give and more.
    When he came to a stop, fully embedded inside her, she
sighed with contentment. “Fuck me.” Her head rolled back, red curls tumbling
over creamy shoulders. “Both of you.”
    Luke withdrew his cock from her depths, taking the candle
along with him, then plunged them both inside her heated core. She gasped, a
whimpering cry slipping from her lips. “Oh… More. Please.”
    He found his rhythm that way, straddling the line between
focusing on keeping both hands moving and thrusting his cock deep inside
Heidi’s tight channel. Her inner muscles squeezed his shaft while Lillian’s
pussy fluttered around his fingers, and the combined aroma of their passion
soared through the church, filling the steaming air.
    Even Varin seemed to lose his ability to speak. Luke closed
his eyes, feeling the other man in every thrust of his cock inside Heidi’s
pussy. She

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