
Free Sunk by Renea Porter

Book: Sunk by Renea Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renea Porter
just know, I can tell right off if she likes someone,” he says.
    “Oh, so have you introduced all your girlfriends to her?”
    “Just you.” He smirks, biting into his muffin.
    His comment almost makes me choke on my food. “Are you saying I’m the only one of your girlfriends you’ve introduced her to?”
    “I didn’t stutter. And you’re meeting the rest of the clan in a little bit,” he retorts.
    “I can’t believe this. I’m not dressed properly to meet your family,” I say anxiously.
    Why has he introduced only me to them? What’s so special about me? I’m a broken and sorrowful girl with nothing to offer someone. What does he see? So many questions and absolutely no answers.
    “Raine, you’re freaking gorgeous, even in jeans and a tee shirt. It didn’t even faze my grams, so relax.”
    I can’t help but be nervous. What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t meet their standards for their precious son? This is too much pressure.
    “So where’d you two meet?” His grandma comes over and stands at our table.
    Sly dots the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “At a wedding, actually,” he says.
    “My sister’s wedding,” I tell her.
    “Oh, that is so lovely,” she gushes, clapping her hands together. “Sly’s never brought any girls around, so you must be real special.”
    Me, special? I doubt that. I give her a smile.
    “Well, I’m going to clean up around here. Holler if you need anything!”
    I sigh. “She’s lovely, and obviously adores you,” I tell Sly.
    “Like I said, we’re close. I try to come every Sunday and then hit up my parents for lunch. It’s really the only day I have a clear schedule,” he tells me.
    So he’s family oriented.
    “Are you ready to go?” he asks.
    I nod.
    “Grams, we’re gonna go, but I’ll see you next Sunday.” He kisses her cheek.
    “Make sure you bring this lovely girl with you.” She reaches up and hugs me tight.
    We bid goodbye, and Sly wraps his arm across my shoulders, holding a box of goodies for his parents in his other hand.
    He releases me and opens my car door. “Don’t be nervous. We won’t stay long.” He flashes me a wink and hands over the box for me to hold.
    Again, his hand rests on my thigh as he drives to his parents’ house. “I think someone needs to be taken to the coat closet for a spanking, for not telling me in advance,” I tease, and blush at the thought of him spanking me. Now I’m all hot and bothered. I shift in my seat.
    He shows off his devilish grin. After an hour long drive, we drive through the country-side, and the colors are breathtaking. Moments later, Sly veers up a long, curving driveway as a sign reading Wilkes Manor greets us. Soon, a huge plantation-like home comes into view; it’s stunning and takes my breath away.
    “You grew up here?” I’m in awe.
    He grins. “I did. Wait until you see the grounds. I’ll take you around before lunch,” he says. “Let me get your door.”
    He parks the car beside a few others. I assume the whole family is here and he’s springing me on them, causing my anxiety to kick up again. Exiting the car, he rushes over to my side and opens the door for me. I hold the box of goodies in one hand while he takes my other. He squeezes my hand. “Don’t be stressed, they are going to love you.” He smiles brightly, and as we step onto the porch, the door swings open.
    “Sly, it’s so good to see you, dear.” His mother kisses both of his cheeks, and I shift uncomfortably.
    “Mom, this is Raine. Raine, this is my mom, Anne,” he says, watching his mother come over to me.
    She sweetly embraces me, and I giggle nervously. Sly takes the box from my hands so I can hug her back. “It’s so nice to meet you,” I say.
    “Well, where have you been hiding this lovely girl?” She holds me at arm’s length and gazes at me.
    “Mom,” Sly scolds. “Here,” he hands her the box of goodies, “from Grams.”
    She motions for us to walk through the door.

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