Rough Tumble

Free Rough Tumble by Keri Ford

Book: Rough Tumble by Keri Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keri Ford
Tags: Romance, Erotic, Erotic Romance
    With a baseball size slice of cake nearly to his mouth, he paused. He lowered the fork, drank his milk and sat back in his chair with a heavy breath. “I shouldn’t have left for days without talking to you. I’m sorry. I was frustrated. Angry with your reasons on why he cheated.”
    She didn’t want to touch back on that. It was twisted the way she looked at it, she knew that. But she just couldn’t help it. She had been happy with Marc when they were together. He was happy. There was no other reason for why he’d cheated on her. “Thank you.”
    “I understand why you started the lie, but how you kept it up for so long, how you fooled me and continued to lie to my face for so long really threw me for a loop.”
    “I’ve wanted to tell you so many times.” She lowered her gaze and shook her head. “So many times.”
    “Why did you wait?”
    She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “It’s embarrassing for one. And…well.” She breathed out, collapsed against her chair, and met his gaze again. “You always liked that I waited for him.” I was afraid to lose you over it.
    “I liked that you remained faithful. I didn’t like that you remained faithful to him because I thought he was dick.”
    That she did know. While he’d praised her patience and waiting, he hadn’t hidden his opinions about Marc. “I know, but I just didn’t want to disappoint you. It reached a point where I couldn’t take it anymore.”
    “You have to tell the rest of the town.”
    She scrubbed over her face. “I know.”
    “Do it fast. Like a Band-Aid.”
    What was she supposed to do, climb a tree at the courthouse and announce it to the world? She pulled her hair tie out and leaned on the table, scrubbing at her scalp and loosening the strands. “I don’t know where to start.”
    He stood and grabbed the plates. “Who’s the biggest gossip in town?”
    “Ah….” She laughed. Lot of options there. “I guess Lucille at the beauty parlor because she talks to several of them during the day.”
    He dropped the plates in the sink, turned and leaned on the counter, arms crossing over his chest. It pulled the cuffs of his shirt tight around his biceps. Molded to the muscles. White shirt stopped and marks of black tattoo licked down his arms. His chest was broad, firm under his arms. Waist narrow and jeans low on his hips. “There’s your Band-Aid.”
    “I guess.” She carried cups, reached around him. It was impossible not to notice the heat coming from his body.
    “No one says you have to tell them everything.” He gave a one-shoulder shrug and turned until facing her, bent down a little with his elbow resting on the counter top. He wasn’t that much taller than her, so with him slightly leaned down that way, they were close to being eye-to-eye. “I know. The girls know. No one else.”
    A little something filled in her. Hope, she dared to think. He was right. They didn’t have to know they muddy details. They just had to know they broke up. Hope sank like bricks. “Just so many people have said how sweet it is I wait for him.”
    “You were. And he was a shit for not coming back before now or not moving you there. It’s been years since he left. You’re different. He probably is too. Hell, he may never come back. His family lives a ways from here, don’t they?”
    She nodded. “An hour.”
    “It’s nobody’s business anyway. It wasn’t working anymore. Leave it at that. Less specific the better.”
    She smiled up at him. “I’ve ruined you. I’ve never know you to be so sneaky.”
    He moved closer. Gaze steady on her. Shoulders so broad and his long, long legs. “I’ve been forced to hide my sneaky ways and dark thoughts. You’d never let me in your house if you knew what they really were.”
    “I bet.” Wait. Did she move closer too? Cause he was relaxed and basically lying against her counter. His face was inches from hers. His dark green eyes were round, a ring of midnight blue outlined them.

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