Outbreak The Zombie Apocalypse (UK Edition)

Free Outbreak The Zombie Apocalypse (UK Edition) by Craig Jones

Book: Outbreak The Zombie Apocalypse (UK Edition) by Craig Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Jones
Tags: Horror
television. It was turned on with the volume still muted. 
    Jenny was upstairs with Claire and Susan, and I could hear the shower running in the main bathroom. Danny, of course, was camped in front of the computer, nailing together the final details of part two of our rescue mission. Nick reached across to the arm of the sofa and picked up the remote control, found the volume buttons, and brought the news report to full life.
    ‘…officials have once again categorically denied that there has been any evidence of the dead rising. Although the victims of the epidemic are displaying characteristics synonymous with the typical media portrayal of the zombie, it is being proven more and more that their state is a symptom of an infection being transferred from person to person via saliva. Tests on the victims have found an as yet unidentified toxin; this toxin is consistent in all cases and scientists are currently working on establishing exactly what it is and where it came from.’
    The newscaster paused; it looked as if she was waiting for the next update to appear on the teleprompter. She looked less strained than previous reporters and it seemed like wardrobe and make up had spent a little time on her. Maybe things were progressing to a faster conclusion than anyone could have expected just a day or so ago. I realised that not only were Nick and I fully absorbed in the programme, but so were the children, so much so that we all jumped a little when Danny strode into the room and dumped himself on the sofa nearest to the door, boot zips undone, feet hanging over the arm of the furniture.
    ‘What’s the latest?’ he asked, and the kids all briefly glared at him, raising their fingers to their lips before either Nick or I had the chance to do so.
    ‘As has been previously stated,’ the reporter continued, ‘there have been no reported outbreaks of this kind in any other country, and the British mainland remains cordoned off from the rest of Europe.’ The long pause again, and this time she actually leant off screen, clearly holding a conversation with someone. 
    ‘However, we can bring you…breaking news? Yes, this story is being confirmed as I speak by several of America’s largest news agencies… It is being reported that numerous bodies have been discovered in an isolated farm to the north of New York State. Although further detail is not available at this time, it has been confirmed that at least one of the bodies found is demonstrating the same pathology as those who have been host to the epidemic in this country. We will bring you more on this story as we receive further information.’ 
    We all looked at each other, openmouthed, before she started speaking again. 
    ‘And back to our headline story. Portsmouth, Liverpool, Cardiff; just three of the cities that have today been confirmed as being clear of the infection. The British military, with some external support, have eradicated the current threat in over twelve cites and continue to make swift progress. However, the public is urged to remain vigilant and to stay indoors, no matter where you are across the country…’ 
    I muted the television.
    ‘Okay, that’s it. We’re sitting tight. This is so close to being over…’ 
    I didn’t think I had to finish the sentence. It was clear to me that the problem was being taken care of, that one or two more days and Simon, John, and Sheila would be rescued by the Army, without us having to put ourselves at risk. 
    There was a flurry of noise at the top of the stairs, and then Jenny, Claire, and Susan came down to join us. Jenny had dressed the girls in jogging trousers and sweatshirts that were either Danny’s or mine.
    ‘You don’t mind, do you?’ Jenny asked, pointing back and forth to the girls and their fresh attire as they crossed in front of the television and sat on the final spare sofa against the far wall. We both shook our heads.
    ‘You both okay?’ I asked. They both nodded, again

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