Islam and Democracy: Fear of the Modern World
    Khomeini, Ayatollah
    King Khalid Military City
    Kohl, Helmut
    Koranic schools
    Kristeva, Julia
    Kuwait, emir of
    Lewis, Bernard
    Madani, Shaykh c Abbas
    madinat al-salam (abode of peace)
    Mahmud, Fatima
    Malcolm X
    Malik Ibn Anas, Imam
    Marwan Ibn al-Hakam
    Marx, Karl
    al-Mas c udi
    mihal (revealed religions)
    Mitterand, Frangois
    Mruwa, Husayn
    Muhammad, the Prophet
    mulhid, mulhidun (atheist, atheists)
    munkar (injustice)
    Muslim Brotherhood
    Mu c tazila
    Na c na c , Hamida
    Nasir, Gamal c Abd al-
    nihal (fabricated beliefs)
    qadar (predestination)
    qarar (decision making)
    Queen of Sheba
    Radio programs
    rahma (tenderness)
    rcis al-jumhuriyya (president of the republic)
    rcy (personal opinion)
    Reagan, Ronald
    risala (message)
    Rosenthal, F.
    Rushdie, Salman
    Russell, Bertrand
    Saadawi, Nawal El
    al-Sabbah, Su c ad
    Sadat, Anwar
    al-Samman, Ghada
    sanam (idol)
    Saudi Arabia
    Secular humanism
    shahada (declaration of faith)
    Shajarat al-Durr
    Sha c rawi, Huda
    shari c a (religious law)
    shawa (desire)
    Shaytan (Satan)
    sh c a
    Shi c ite Islam
    shirk (freedom of thought)
    Sunni Islam
    Suq al-Sabat
    ta c a (obedience)
    taghiya (tyrant)
    al-Tahtawi, Rifa c at
    tarikh (calendar, history)
    tathir (purification)
    al-Thaqfi, al-Mukhtar
    al-thurat (the heritage)
    Toffler, Alvin
    Tohidi, Nayereh
    c Umar Ibn c Abd al- c Aziz
    c Umar Ibn al-Khattab
    Umlil, c Ali
    Umm Khalid
    umma (Muslim community)
    United Nations
    United Nations Charter
    United States
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    c Uthman
    al- c Uzza
    wcd al-banat (burying daughters alive)
    al-Walid Ibn Yazid
    West, the
    Women's Action Forum
    Zia al-Haq
    zulm (injustice)

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