Reigning In Life As A King

Free Reigning In Life As A King by John Osteen

Book: Reigning In Life As A King by John Osteen Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Osteen
Tags: Faith, authority, John Osteen, righteousness, dominion
evening service, he said, "Thank God I am healed!"
    The Word of God had gotten down into his spirit and he KNEW he was healed.
    By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
    Hebrews 13:15
    He held fast to his confession until the Word of God traveled from his mind to his spirit. He no longer asked for healing, he thanked God that it was already done. After the experience on the plane, he began to improve. The Word of God grew so mightily that it prevailed over his physical condition. Today he is enjoying a normal physical body!
    If we want to reign in life, we must learn to speak the Word of God. We must give Jesus, our High Priest, something with which to work. We cannot speak like a beggar and live like a king.
    Make this confession:
    I AM A KING!
    We must confess the Word of God until it prevails over our normal thinking processes. It must be confessed until it prevails over our natural five senses. When Jesus confessed, "My Father is greater than all," He knew exactly what He was doing. He was holding fast to His confession.
    How do you speak to God? What is your confession? I want you to say:
    As young children, we talked as if our daddy could whip any other daddy alive. If our fathers had known how we boasted of their great strength, it would have worried them! That is the way we should speak of our Heavenly Father.
    We should say, "My Father can whip your father!" We could even say, "My Father has already whipped you, devil, and I can whip you in the Name of Jesus!" We must not limit God. He is a big God. All things are possible with Him. (Mark 10:27)
    Jesus continually confessed:
    "My Father is greater than all."
    "My Father and I are one."
    "My Father loves me."
    "The Father, in me, doeth the works."
    "He that has seen me has seen the Father."
    This Word in Jesus prevailed over the laws of nature. It was contrary to natural human thinking.
    The Word of God prevailed over Abraham's natural senses when he looked at his body. God promised him that he and Sarah would have a son. Abraham considered not his own body, but believed God. (Romans 4:17-22)
    Boldness is necessary in a healthy Christian life. We must come boldly to the throne of grace in order to obtain mercy and find the help we need!
    The life story of Lillian B. Yeomans is beautiful. She was a physician who had become addicted to drugs. She was dying, but God healed her and completely delivered her from drug addiction. She was so touched by God that she left her medical practice and followed the Lord into a ministry of healing.
    She developed a home where she could nurse dying, hopeless people. She taught them the Word of God. One day a lady, who was in the last stage of tuberculosis, arrived for help. Dr. Yeomans read to the woman from the twenty-eighth chapter of Deuteronomy about the curse of the law.
    The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
    Deuteronomy 28:22
    The lady understood that consumption was a curse of the law. Then, Dr. Yeomans read another verse of scripture to her.
    Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.
    Galatians 3:13
    She learned that she was redeemed from the curse of the law through Jesus Christ. Dr. Yeomans gave her a prescription. The woman was to say over and over every day:
    According to Deuteronomy 28:22, this consumption is a curse of the law.
    According to Galatians 3:13, Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law.
    Therefore, I do not have consumption in my body.
    The woman followed these instructions for days, confessing the Word of God.
    Finally, the lady said, "This is not doing any good. I am making

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