Claimed by the Dragon King
chuckle. “He’s handsome,” I admit, hoping that they can’t hear us. They’re walking pretty close behind us and when I turn my head to check it looks like they’re having some kind of animated discussion.
    “Good,” she sighs with relief. “Because I want to jump his bones.” Her eyes go wide when she realizes her admission. “Oops! I can’t believe I just said that.” She covers her mouth her her hand before succumbing to uncontrollable giggles. Colin reaches through us and pulls back on Ruby’s shoulder.
    “Are you okay?” he asks gruffly.
    “She’s fine,” I say with a smile.
    “Not as fine as you are,” Ruby blurts out with another bout of giggles. Colin removes his hand with a perplexed look on his face.
    “Do you think he’ll be my date to your wedding? You should ask Cera to make your dress! It will be perfect. Do you like roses or lilies? I bet Georgia would let you borrow something blue,” Ruby says in one breath. If I wasn’t so scared for her it would actually be kind of fun to be talking about this with her.
    “We’ve got to make it through today first,” I remind her with a sad smile. I have more at stake now than ever. I can’t lose Ash or Ruby, hell, I can’t lose anyone. I never had anyone to really care about before but now my life is filled with such wonderful people. It’s a burden that I’m happy to carry.
    “Oh my god! Edgar!” Ruby cries leaning down and comes back up with my old friend clutched to her, purring loudly.
    “So, she’s obviously had some of that Fae drink,” Edgar says.
    “How did you know that?” I ask curiously. I reach over and scratch his neck in just right the right spot.
    “Overly affectionate, the giggling,” he answers. “It’s happened to a few of our people.”
    “How many,” Ash demands butting into the conversation.
    “At least 4,” Edgar replies. “With her, 5. I came to report that they have been isolated and removed from the area.” Edgar seems to be over his attitude with Ash. Good, I wouldn’t want them to be bickering here, today, especially not today.
    “Why didn’t you just report over the rings?” Ash asks, suspiciously. He’s got a point, we set them up so we wouldn’t need to seek each other out.
    “Cat’s don’t wear rings, sir,” Edgar says with a hint of sarcasm. I guess he’s not entirely over Ash making him shift in front of me. “Plus we wanted to have one of our own stationed with you, just in case. Lucky me.” Edgar jumps down to the ground and winds body through Ash’s legs. 
    “Let’s go,” Ash says seriously. Colin leads Ruby ahead of us. She looks back at me with a nervous smile and turns to ask him something. I hope she’s not saying anything too crazy to him.

    Chapter Ten
    Eventually we make it through the throng of people and get into position in front of the castle. A black robed man pushes his way through the crowd. Shit. SIGMA! I grab Asher and pull him into a long kiss. I keep my eyes open and watch as his glance passes over us. I pull away from Asher and take a huge gasping breath.
    “Not that I mind but what was that?” Asher asks with a chuckle.
    “SIGMA,” I whisper, pointing at the back of the Seeker.
    “We will have to be more cautious now that we are close,” Ash says activating his ring. “SIGMA spotted at the right flank of Position 1. Maintain vigilance but try to blend in.”
    His voice echoes through my head as my ring relays his message. A bright tune reaches my ears and I look for the sound. Ruby, with her Spelled lack of inhibition, is singing. Her voice is beautiful and a small circle forms around her to listen. I peek a glance at Collin and find him absolutely enraptured by my friend. A man with a guitar comes over and plucks a gentle song that matches her voice nicely. A few people pick partners and start to dance. I shift uncomfortably and look at Asher. He turns to me and smiles wickedly, extending his hand.
    “Would you like to dance my

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