Beaumont Brides Collection

Free Beaumont Brides Collection by Liz Fielding

Book: Beaumont Brides Collection by Liz Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Fielding
himself to accept. ‘I’d love to see you, Fizz. Any time.’ He sounded so eager that she felt a complete heel. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him. She liked him very much. He was good looking, charming, had all the attributes any girl might seek in a partner. The trouble was she wasn’t looking for a partner. She knew he liked her and it was unfair to use him like this, but life wasn’t fair and she didn’t want him to back out. ‘Where would you like to go?’ he asked.
    ‘Oh, it’s my treat,’ she said, quickly. ‘But could you suggest somewhere? It’s a while since I was in London.’
    He mentioned a restaurant that Claudia had been raving about and she winced. It was bound to be horrendously expensive. But information didn’t come cheap. ‘That sounds lovely. I’ll book a table for about half past twelve, shall I?’
    ‘Great. Are you staying in town? I’ve got tickets for a new show.’ He was like an eager puppy scenting a treat and she wasn’t prepared to take the responsibility for raising Julian’s hopes any further.
    ‘I’m not quite sure of my plans, Julian,’ she said. ‘Can I let you know tomorrow?’ After lunch he might not want to speak to her ever again.
    ‘I can’t wait.’
    But when she walked into the restaurant at a little after twelve-thirty the next day Julian looked less like an eager puppy than a disgruntled basset hound. He rose to his feet as she approached the table, but his smile was perfunctory.
    ‘You’ve heard,’ she said, without preamble, sinking into the seat the waiter held for her.
    ‘About the Harries takeover? Yes, I’ve heard. And I imagine this lunch is not because you wanted to see me, but because you wanted to talk about your loan.’ He was stiff with hurt pride.
    ‘So, why didn’t you telephone and cancel?’
    ‘I tried, but you had already left your office.’
    ‘Oh.’ Then, ‘Oh, do sit down, Julian, everyone’s looking. We can have lunch surely? And if you insist I won’t say a word about the takeover.’ He sat, but with an ill grace. ‘But you did say that I was to ring you, night or day, if I needed advice or help,’ she reminded him. ‘You appointed yourself my personal banker, remember?’ She put her hand over his on the table and for a moment he stared at it. ‘I’m asking for your help now.’
    ‘Then why didn’t you tell me what you wanted when you phoned?’
    ‘I’m sorry. The truth is I wanted to see you face to face. It is important, Julian and if we get into trouble ... well, you did recommend acceptance of my proposals to your board.’
    ‘You mean it’s my head on the block as well?’
    The idea did not seem to bother him much. But then he bore the same name as the bank, even if it was at some remove. Instead he surprised her with a sudden grin.
    ‘What if I pay for lunch and we forget business? Who knows, I might yet dazzle you with my wit, stun you with my charm, tempt you into bed with my winning smile -’
    ‘Your wit and charm are undeniable, Julian.’
    He turned his hand and grasped hers. ‘Then come with me to the theatre tonight,’ he urged. ‘You can catch an early train back in the morning -’
    He’d missed out the bit in between. The important bit. ‘Your wit and charm are undeniable, Julian,’ she repeated, ‘but I’m not so sure about your plan to tempt me with your winning smile.’
    ‘You’ve got to give a guy a chance.’
    ‘I can’t think why.’
    ‘Well, forget the winning smile. I won’t put a hand out of place if you’ll come. Promise.’
    ‘That rather depends on your definition of “out of place”,’ she pointed out. ‘And I’m staying with my sister tonight. She wants to talk.’
    ‘That won’t take all evening.’
    He was right about that. When she had phoned to tell her sister she would be town, Claudia had been almost desperate for her to stay over so that they could have a long talk. But she had probably already forgotten and Julian deserved something for

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