A Christmas Wish

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Book: A Christmas Wish by Desconhecido(a) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido(a)
that she missed him when he was gone for long periods of time. Five-thirty glowed back at her from the clock on the oven. She had another half hour and he’d be coming through the front door. Ryan had his own key, the one Simon had given him in case of emergencies if he wasn’t home and Jemma needed anyone. Jemma wondered if Ryan would like the chicken stew she’d experimented on, which was currently in the slow cooker.
    The very thought of Ryan had her body coming to life. Her heart quickened, and she ran her fingers through her straggly blonde hair wondering if she would have the time to run a brush through the wayward strands. Glancing down at her shirt, she hoped she’d have the time to change her shirt, which was covered in chocolate, flour, and pumpkin. There was no way that Ryan would be interested in her. He could have any woman on the planet. Why would he want her? She had three very young children, was a widow, and she had thick, rounded curves.
    There was no way he’d find her attractive.
    The past few months had scared her, as out of the blue she’d suddenly started to have feelings toward Ryan. Her feelings weren’t just ones of caring either. Jemma wanted him. At night, she would wake up yearning for his touch, her pussy dripping wet with her need for him. When she was alone at night, she’d slide her fingers through her pussy, and imagine it was his fingers inside her, not her own. She wondered what his dick would be like, hard and thick, pumping inside her pussy. Her own touch no longer satisfied her, and she’d wish it was him. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin the friendship they had because she was horny, and in need of him. She looked forward to his visits, and she enjoyed his company. He made her laugh, feel special.
    Should she love the man who’d been her husband’s best friend? There were times she felt guilty when she thought of Simon, but he wouldn’t want her to be alone. They had talked about it before, not long after Billy was born. It had been a morbid topic, but one they had both felt the need to talk about. Both of them felt there should be a time for mourning, and a time to move on, to find love elsewhere.
    Jemma thought about Ryan and how everything had changed between them over the past couple of months. Ryan had always been there as Simon’s best friend, but that had evolved, changed, and now she saw him as a man, not just as a friend.
    Everything had changed one night when she had been curled up against him while they watched a movie. The movie was harmless and kind of sweet, which she loved. Then the two main characters on the big screen had decided their lust for each other couldn’t wait any longer.
    For ten minutes she had to watch two people fuck, make love, and generally do everything she’d been craving to do for some time. She missed being touched, being loved by a man.
    During the scene she had felt Ryan tense underneath her. Her own reaction had been instant, and she couldn’t resist glancing down to see if he was as hard as she was wet.
    His cock had created a large outline where it pressed against the zipper of his jeans. Without thinking, Jemma had looked up into his sinfully sexy green eyes, and he’d showed her so much with one look. She’d seen the lust and heat shining in his eyes, and she responded. Jemma had wished he reacted, or done something to acknowledge the heat between them. In one moment they’d gone from being best friends, to being a man and woman, with needs.
    Ryan had moved first, leaning close toward her face. Jemma hadn’t pulled away but pleaded with all of her being for him to kiss her, to feel her, to touch her. In those moments she’d become more than Simon’s widow. She’d become a woman once again.
    “Ryan?” She had whispered his name, terrified to break the connection that was growing between them.
    “Mommy, can I have a drink? I’m thirsty,” Billy had asked from the living room doorway, shocking both of them

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