Bedding the Billionaire (Book 3) (Legacy Collection)

Free Bedding the Billionaire (Book 3) (Legacy Collection) by Ruth Cardello

Book: Bedding the Billionaire (Book 3) (Legacy Collection) by Ruth Cardello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Cardello
that never came.
    He simply asked, “Do you use the paste every time?”
    Lil closed adjusted the new diaper and placed the soiled one in a sealable, disposable baggie. “She is just starting with cereal and snacks, so I do right now. I didn’t have to as much when she was only on formula.”
    Positioning Colby in the middle of the blanket with some toys, Lil gathered up the supplies and went to wash her hands in the pantry.
    On her return, she saw Jake lean down and move a toy just beyond Colby’s reach. He must have seen the question in her eyes, because he said, “Research says that if you place things just out of a baby’s reach , they are more motivated to move. It also lays a found ation for problem solving.”
    Emotion constricted Lil’s vocal cords, making a nod her only response. She wanted to hate Jake or at least to find a reason to dislike him. Dear Universe, you already tempted me with him and I failed your test– must you rub it in?
    Lil returned fro m the kitchen with a bottle and a towel for Jake’s sh oulder. She was going to hand Colby to him, but he moved down onto the floor and rested his back against the front of the couch. He lifted Colby easily until she was eye to eye with him and said, “I will pay you a thousand dollars if you don’t spit up on me.”
    Colby grabbed his nose and pulled. He smiled and said, “You’re a hard bargainer, but you won’t get a penny more.” He settled her into the crook of one arm and held up a hand to receive the bottle from Lil.
    Lil knew her mouth was open in the most unflattering way, but she couldn’t help it. She handed him both the bottle and the towel. He placed the towel over one shoulder like he’d done it a hundred times before .
    “Do you have children?” she asked.
    He shook his head and looked down at Colby who was now happily guzz ling her formula . “ No, but I have friends who do.”
    “And you babysat for them?”
    He shuddered. “God no, I don’t like children.”
    Colby twisted his bottom lip between her little fingers. He pulled back to escape the pinch, but didn’t look bothered. When Lil cont inued to stand over him – staring , he said, “Go study.”
    As she headed across the room, she heard Jake say to Colby, “I don’t do Peek-a-boo even if it’s developmentally appropriate for you. However, when you finish your bottle, we can look at your toy portfolio and determine if it is adequately diverse.”
    Impossibl e as the task appeared at first, Lil lost herself in her class notes and test prep questions, allowing herself no more than quick glances to ensure that Colby and Jake were still fine. After the first run through, she made the mistake of allowing her attention to linger on them.
    Colby was on her stomach on her throw blanket and Jake was seated next to it, talking in t hat even tone . Lil only caught a word here and there – all of which sounded like he was explaining investment strategies , but since her daughter appeared to be enjoying the undivided attention of an adult , Lil didn’t comment on his choice of discourse.
    “ I don’ t like kids,” he’d said.
    Oh, how much easier all of this would be if that were true.
    Jake didn’t know it yet, but one day he was going to be a wonderful father to some lucky woman’s child.
    Just not mine.
    Lil stood and closed her book. She was as ready as she’d ever be. Time to release Jake from his obligation. Walking over, Lil picked her daughter up and cuddled her against her chest. “Thank you,” she said.
    Jake slowly unfolded himself from the floor and stood, stretching when he reached his full height. “Did you get everything done that you wanted to?”
    Jake stretched again and reached for his jacket. With quick precision, he adjusted his clothing, tightened his tie, and ran a smoothing hand through his slightly disheveled hair. In a matter of moment s , he was back – the perfectly groomed, perfectly in control man whose mere existence made

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