All Light Will Fall

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Book: All Light Will Fall by Almney King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Almney King
armaments.” The firearm
was a dangerous tool. It was large piece of light weight metal with claw-like
spear heads attached to a sling in the barrel of the gun. “This weapon is ideal
for long distance and close range combat. The spear heads can impale just about
any material.”
    Valler continued. “Each weapon contains traces of umbarra ,
a toxic substance extracted from a fruit found on Niaysia. Meridians are
extremely vulnerable to this poison. Once it enters their system, it
crystalizes their blood. At that point, it’s game over. But do not
misunderstand, these weapons can kill you as well if you are not properly
trained.” Valler crossed his arms, gazing proudly at the group. “That being
said, let’s begin with a little hands on training.”
    He led the group into a large training area. Several weapon
rotators lined the length of the hangar. “All the weapons from the display room
are here. There are twenty targets, six recruits to a lane. You will spend ten
hours a day perfecting your skills. Every other day, you will participate in
hand-to-hand combat. Afterwards, you will move to the arena for stimulus
training. Once you’re ready, you will each showcase your skills before the
overseers. If you pass, you will be cleared for departure.” Valler raised a
hand to his forehead and we returned the salute. “Begin!”
    I lifted an mr2 Blade Gun from the revolver then found my
own secluded space in the hangar.
    “A sword and a gun. Nice choice,” Elric said. He walked over
with a smile, holding the Iron Sling in his hands.
    “That weapon doesn’t suit you,” I told him. “You don’t have
the hands for it.”
    “Intimidated are we?” Elric scoffed. He propped the gun
between his shoulder and collar bone, closing one eye to peer through the
sight. His forefinger gently stroked the trigger.
    “Are you going to fire it or what?” Kitty said. Elric
snapped out of his readiness position. “You look ridiculous. Your hands are too
small for that kind of weapon.” She tapped her chin. “And too pretty.”
    “Enough, Kitty,” Tank sighed. He had the new mr2 propped
atop his shoulder, looking ready to use it.
    Kitty ignored him, pursing her lips. “I’m just saying. He
needs something more to his character, something with a little more class.”
    “It’s not about class, Kitty,” Tank said, “it’s about
    Kitty took a breath. “Survival,” she repeated. The word hung
heavily in the air. “What about freedom? What about desire?”
    Elric shook his head. “Don’t talk about those things here.
Not if you want to get deleted.”
    Kitty crossed her arms. “Deleted?” she scoffed. “I can think
of things far worse, like this mission for instance. We’re nothing but cattle
to them, trained for slaughter. I don’t give a flying shit if they hear me or
not. I may be many things, Elric, but I’m not a coward. I refuse to be afraid.”
    I was wrong about Kitty. She was a fearless force, and as
she spoke, I actually came to respect her. “She’s right,” I said. They looked
at me in shock. Kitty was especially surprised that I had agreed with her.
“ARTIKA owns all of me. They own my body. They own my name. They even own my
future. But they don’t own my dignity. I think I’ll be keeping that for
    Tank nodded. Elric grinned, tossing an arm over my shoulder.
“Then that’s what we’ll fight for... our dignity.”
    Kitty looked at him and smiled. “Alright then, for our
dignity.” She gave Tank’s arm a tug. “Come on handsome, join our pact,” she
    Tank shifted his mr2 and shrugged. “Might as well,” he said
casually. “To our dignity. What about you, Red?”
    I looked at them. I never thought about it before, but I was
no longer alone. I was no longer an outcast. I was Celeste. “To our dignity,” I
    “We look out for each other from now on,” Elric said. “No
one left behind?”

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