Deadly Neighbors

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Book: Deadly Neighbors by Cynthia Hickey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Hickey
Duane let me off his two-wheeler , I called it that just to make him mad, I headed straight for my M&M’s. With a tall glass of ice-cold diet cola, I plopped into the nearest kitchen chair and listened to the silence. I couldn’t get everyone’s dire need of money out of my head.
    I grabbed a notepad from beside the phone and started my list of people’s needs. Melvin, a new lawnmower for the business he wanted to own, Marilyn the dog walker –to go to Hollywood. I scoffed at that one and chewed the eraser on my pencil. Billy—go to football camp. I scratched his name off. He’s just a kid. Then I remembered those two brothers on the news a few years back who murdered their parents and put his name back on. Stephanie—money to adopt, Kyle Anderson needs to pay contractors, and his sister, Karen, has conveniently disappeared.
    I popped another chocolate piece into my mouth. Plus, someone came into the store and stole from us when I drifted away to La La land. Not to mention Sharon’s missing necklace. Or her neighbor’s misplaced wallet. It’s all connected somehow. I just needed to put the pieces together before someone else accused my street-wandering daughter of being a thief.
    And how is Sharon’s death connected?
    The phone rang, and I pushed to my feet to answer. “Hello?”
    “May I speak with Gertie, please?”
    “She isn’t home. Can I take a message?” I stretched the phone cord to the nearest paper which happened to be my list of names.
    “Just tell her Leroy called. I’ll try her back in a few minutes. Thank you.”
    Leroy? The dial tone droned in my ear as I racked my brain trying to bring up a picture of someone I might know by that name. His deep voice sounded pleasant enough. Could this be the mystery man Mom eluded to a few nights before? I grinned and relished having something to pester her about.
    “Oh, I didn’t think you’d beat me home.” She’d obviously hurried. Her cheeks flushed scarlet, and a line of perspiration dotted her upper lip.
    I waved the paper in front of her. “Someone named Leroy called. Said he’d call back later.”
    Mom paused in the removal of her red hat. “Did he say what time?”
    “No, but I’m guessing you thought you’d be home instead of me, so most likely any time.” I couldn’t help but wiggle my eyebrows.
    The phone rang , and I snatched the handset from the cradle before Mom could. “Who is he, huh?” I danced around, holding it above my head. If she hadn’t refused to get a cordless, I could’ve made a run for it. “Is he your boy friend?”
    “Give me that, you idiot. Grow up.” She elbowed me, knocking the air from my lungs and effectively halting my taunting. She stole the phone from me and walked around the corner, stretching the cord.
    “I was only playing around! No need to get violent.” Some people had no sense of humor. “Don’t know why you’re keeping him a secret anyway. Is he a hunchback or have a bulbous nose?”
    Mom stuck her head around the corner and glared at me. When she ended her call and hung up the phone, she folded her arms and turned to me. “What is wrong with you? I taught you better manners than that.”
    I shrugged. “Just playing. Why are you keeping him a secret anyway?”
    She sat in a chair opposite me. “It’s embarrassing. A woman my age having a romantic liaison with a gentleman. I haven’t dated since your father died. I’m not sure I know how.”
    “Yep. Fifty-five is really old. There’s nothing to dating. It’s like riding a bicycle.”
    “And you’re the expert?”
    Good point. I held out my hand. “Can I have that paper back? It’s got information I need.”
    Mom scanned the list. “Suspects?”
    “I think so.”
    She handed it to me. “It’s silly. Everyone needs money. Doesn’t mean they’ll steal for it.”
    “But not everyone goes around town talking about it.” I reached for more candy. “Besides, I don’t see you coming up with anything better.”

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