Romance: Edge of Desire

Free Romance: Edge of Desire by Kelli Sloan

Book: Romance: Edge of Desire by Kelli Sloan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Sloan
to Canada, so you won’t have to worry about seeing us around or anything like that. It’ll be as if we were never in your life to begin with,” he says as he rolls his suitcase to the door.
    “Afraid I might hurt you or something?” I ask him.
    He smiles. “No, I think that it just might be a little too hard on you, that’s all.”
    “Whatever, just leave,” I say. “And don’t worry about it being as if you were never in my life. You were, Kyle, the moment Lidia’s name slipped from your lips. I wish you the best of luck because, trust me, you are really going to need it dealing with a bitch like her. But you two really do deserve each other. A jerk of a boyfriend and a sorry excuse for a friend. I think that’s a match made in heaven, if you ask me.”
    He looks at me one last time as if he wants to say something before he rolls his suitcases out of the door. I want to feel sad that he’s gone, but I don’t. I thought that I loved him, but the truth is we stayed together out of convenience. I’m attached to my job and don’t really have time for much, so I really only ever saw Kyle when I went to bed or on the rare occasion that we shared a meal together. I remember when I first met him, I was immediately drawn to his icy blue eyes and almost white hair. He was every girl’s dream guy, and I didn’t have the time for him, so if Lidia genuinely makes him happy, then I’m glad for him. On the bright side, I won’t have to see him around town, and it will be as if our relationship never happened. I walk into the room because I have to get ready for another long day at work tomorrow.
    Hopefully it will be a lot better than today.
    But I have a feeling that the worst is yet to come.
    They always say, ‘When it rains it pours,’ and I have a feeling that this is just a drizzle.

Romance: Her Boss
    Kelli Sloan
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    Available on Kindle and in Paperback!

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