Touch of Amber: Hot Rods, Book 7
man fully dressed in a suit.”
    His head dropped back and he groaned when she sank to her knees in front of him, deftly unbuckling his belt, opening his pants and lowering his zipper to fish for his cock while leaving the rest of his clothing undisturbed.
    She didn’t want him to stop her or inject any reason into her brain that would prevent her from completing her mission. “Just shut up and let me suck you.”
    To his credit, he did.
    He hissed when she used one hand to cup his balls, rolling them and testing their weight while the other wrapped around his thick shaft. God, he was…more than a handful. If he fucked like he fingered, she might not survive the night or she’d be ruined for other men after that.
    Though that thought troubled her, making her wonder if she’d be able to forget him when she headed back to Middletown, she pushed away anything negative and embraced only the positive. For today, anyway, nothing could ruin her mood.
    After she measured his length, stroking him from root to tip several times, he began to grow impatient. She liked that about him. How steadfast he was in his need for her. She’d never felt so desperately desired before in her life. This was no exception.
    Gavyn curled his hand around the back of her neck and drew her closer. Her breath washed over the full head of his cock, which stood out in relief from his shaft. Imagining what that ridge would feel like inside her, stroking her in all the right places, made her shiver with anticipation.
    Reaching out her tongue, Amber licked him along the prominent vein that decorated his underside. She paused to sip the bead of precome that appeared at his tip.
    “Ah fuck.” His thighs corded against her shoulders, making her smile. As she opened her mouth, he thrust his hips toward her, feeding her his cock. “Yes, that’s it. Suck me, love.”
    Amber complied, giving them both what they wanted. She drew on him with steady pulls, working her lips lower along his impressive length, filling her mouth with his heat and hardness. Only the press of his blunt cap against her throat had her pausing, and then just long enough to allow herself to relax and accommodate him.
    Pulling off a bit then working him back inside, she soon held all of him.
    By the time she began to bob over his length, he’d started rocking to meet her.
    “For the record,” he groaned, “I can last a lot longer. Don’t. Want. To make you late.”
    She laughed around him, causing him to grunt and press deeper on their next pass. Hoping he understood that she wanted to destroy him as rapidly and completely as he had done to her the day before, she grabbed his tight ass and yanked him to her. She swallowed around his length, letting her tongue dance across the sensitive spot below his tip.
    And within moments, he cursed. His shaft jerked and he started to warn her, “I’m gonna—”
    Amber took that as her cue to suck harder, stroke him faster.
    He roared as he came, releasing a stream of warm fluid that she drank in sip after sip until he had nothing left to give her. Neatly, she tucked him in and put his clothes back in order. Though his chest bellowed and his cheeks were red, he helped her to her feet and hugged her tight before murmuring, “Thank you.”
    Then he kissed the shit out of her.
    Though she could have stood there making out with him for the rest of the week, he drew away with a sigh then spanked her hard enough to make her jump. “Get ready. We’ve got to leave in ninety seconds or so.”
    Amber laughed, but knew he was right. Too bad because that appetizer had only made her hungrier for the real thing.
    As she rounded up the last of her belongings, she noticed Gavyn staring at his crotch. Had she hurt him? Was he still horny? She thought she’d done a pretty fantastic job of sucking him dry…
    “What are you doing?” she couldn’t help but ask.
    “Making sure there’s no lipstick on my pants.” He grimaced. “Your mom would

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