Stepbrother Fallen

Free Stepbrother Fallen by Aya Fukunishi

Book: Stepbrother Fallen by Aya Fukunishi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Fukunishi
my skin. I bite my bottom lip as his
eyes run slowly across my body, taking in the curve of my breasts,
moving down across my exposed skin to the dark hollow of my navel,
then further down to the pink lace that's the only barrier between
his gaze and my pussy. As soon as his eyes drop to my panties my
breath grows ragged.
"Seriously, cut it out," I whisper, looking
up into his eyes. He's just inches away now. I can feel his breath
on my cheek.
"No," he replies, meeting my eyes with all
the confidence in the world. His head dips towards mine, and he
reaches out a hand and slowly, tenderly lifts my chin.
    " Rafe! Get down here right this instant!"
The moment is over almost as quickly as it
began. Rafe moves away with a smile, and winks at me before turning
to the staircase. "Don't forget to send me a pair of those panties,
Princess. Jail can get lonely."
He turns the corner and vanishes, heading
for whatever awaits him downstairs. I fall back against the door
frame, my legs suddenly too weak to support me, and take a deep,
shuddering breath.
Was he just fucking with me, or was he
about to kiss me?
Rafe's head pops back around the corner.
"Hey, not the My Little Pony things, OK? Something lacy and sexy,
there's a good girl."
With another wink he's gone.
I take a deep breath and gather myself
before I rush back to my room, grab a nightgown and follow Rafe
downstairs. I can already guess what awaits him down there.
By the time I reach the foot of the stairs
Rafe is only a few feet ahead of me, he'd been waking so slowly.
Mom and dad stand at the open door. Dad looks concerned, but mom
looks like she's about ready to kill someone. By the way she glares
at him it's clear that Rafe would be first choice, but she might be
happy with whoever's standing within arm's reach.
"Come and explain yourself, young man," she
hisses icily. "Tell us why there's a police officer standing at my
front door first thing on a Sunday morning."
Rafe just shrugs.
I reach the door just behind him, and I'm a
little relieved to see that the officer is... I want to say Frank,
or Fred. He's one of dad's poker buddies, anyway. I only met him a
couple of times but he seemed nice enough, and even if he was a
power-mad douche cop he'd probably go easy on Rafe since he's
Karl's son.
    "You're Rafe Stone, son?" the officer asks. I catch a
glimpse of his badge. Donald McIntyre. Wow, I was way off.
Rafe nods, but remains silent. I guess he
doesn't talk to cops if he can help it.
"We received a report that a young man
matching your description was involved in an altercation yesterday
evening at 15 Elm with two young men," he glances at his notepad,
"names of... errr, Michael Bowen and Lawrence Anderson. Can you
account for your whereabouts between the hours of 10PM and
Again Rafe remains silent. He just stares
down the cop, as if daring him to bring out the cuffs.
"Son, did you hear me?" Donald turns to dad
with a questioning look.
"Rafe, answer the officer. Where were you
last night?" Dad waits through more silence, then shakes his head.
"I don't know what to tell you, Don, I really don't."
The officer sighs. "Damn, I'm sorry to do
this, Karl, but if he won't speak up I'm gonna have to take him
in.” He really does look like he doesn't want to arrest Rafe. “OK,
son, please give me your hands. I'm afraid I'll have to cuff
I feel my heart begin to pound in my chest.
I can't let this happen. I speak almost without thinking, just
grasping at the nearest words and hoping for the best.
"Wait!" I blurt out. "Rafe wasn't at the
party last night. I was there until about 11, then I left and met
Rafe at Hola Burrito. Right, Rafe?"
Rafe looks at me with surprise, then
Donald looks back and forth between Rafe,
me and dad for a moment, trying to get his head around the
situation. Eventually he addresses dad. "I don't know, Karl, we got
a pretty detailed

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