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Book: Spellbound by Samantha Combs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Combs
Elizabeth, “Who else warned you about anything.”
    I twisted to face my sister. “Well, I haven’t got a chance to tell you yet, because of this,” I gestured toward Eden, “but I got a nice little visit myself today, from Miss Congeniality, Nasty Natalie. Just two tons of fun in the Library. Warning me that the Council didn’t like my boyfriend.”

    “Oh. I may be too late, “worried Eden. “And I may have misunderstood something.” She appeared thoughtful. “I thought I came here for you, Elizabeth. I understand now. It’s you I’m here to protect, Serena. It’s your bloodline. And now I have to explain myself further. It regards your mother.”
    “I’m not sure I can take much more.” I protested.
    “You must, Serena. I fear your life may depend on it. My darlings, there always have been good reason the Council had interest in your mother. We all knew it, from an early age. Your mother was special. Oh, we all had special talents. Some of us were clairvoyant, some of us were shape-‐-shifters, and some had perfected the powers of invisibility or astral projection or flying.
    But your mother, Serena, she could do it all. She could cast spells, create potions; she had the power of flight, projection, invisibility.
    She could read minds, shape-‐-shift, foresee the future, understand the past; she could do everything. A witch like that comes along so rarely as to be almost non-‐-existent.” Eden’s eyes shined with the memories of her best friends uncanny abilities. “Once the Council understood the magnitude of her abilities, they began to monitor her advancements. Her meeting and falling in love with Heath simply could not be part of their grand scheme. And when she ran away with him, they were furious. But she had so much power by then, she could block out any attempts they made to read her mind and find her or your family. And by then, her family became of great interest to them. More specifically, her daughters. For, my darlings, that is what they were the most interested in.” She paused and found my hands and took both of them in hers. “They wanted to know what she might pro-‐-create. If she could create another such as herself. And in an unguarded moment, when your wonderful mother thought she had finally found safety for her family, they found her. Then they discovered you and they knew that she could.
    When only one parent is a witch, the gene is only passed to baby girls. And when they found your mother and father had produced daughters, they knew your mother had passed on the gene. They must have realized it was transferred the strongest and most prevalent in you Serena. They began monitoring you, I understand now it must have been you, and realized that you are just like she used to be, so powerful, so unstoppable.” She reached out and ran a hand from the top of my head, down the length of my hair. “You even favor her the most, child.” Now I had tears in my eyes.
    Eden questioned Elizabeth. “So, would I be right in assuming this one is growing as powerful as her mother?” Slowly, my sister brought her head up and down in a silent yes.
    “I’ve been teaching her myself, Eden, but truly, she is beyond what I can show her now. I’m ashamed to say I’ve taught her all I know.”
    Eden just nodded. “And would I also be correct in assuming the boyfriend she spoke of…this appears serious?” Again Eden addressed my sister, not me. Crazy interested in the answer, I didn’t say anything.
    Elizabeth sighed. “Serena is not a frivolous girl, Eden. Yes, I believe it is a serious match. And for what it’s worth, I also believe my sister has chosen well. I sense strength, a quiet dignity, in her choice. Logan is a boy of true character and integrity. And while he may be a boy now, he is not far off from being a man. I do approve of her choice.”
    Eden stood. “So, our work will begin. Sisters from my coven will be arriving within the week to begin her training. She should

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