Fate Forgotten

Free Fate Forgotten by Amalia Dillin

Book: Fate Forgotten by Amalia Dillin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amalia Dillin
visit any time you wish, Anne. I’d be happy to send you tickets.”
    “It’s just not the same as having my daughter home, Garrit. I’m sure you understand.”
    “Unfortunately, we’ve had our hands full with Alex this year, but I’m sure things will start evening out soon. I’m so sorry I keep Abby from you.”
    “I’m sure Abby wouldn’t be kept if she didn’t want to be,” Adam said from the doorway. She frowned at him, but he seemed to ignore it. “I was under the impression that once you left for university, you were rarely spotted at home again.”
    “In the way of all poor students, I’m afraid it was cheaper to stay on the continent than go back and forth all the time.”
    “And why wouldn’t you? France is quite lovely.”
    “Very.” But she had no idea what he was getting at. Or why. And she could feel Garrit’s growing irritation beside her. “How was your holiday?”
    “It was very nice. But it would have been so much nicer to have everyone home,” Anne said.
    Eve sighed. If this was how the whole visit was going to go, she might insist they get a hotel room somewhere. And thank God they were staying with Mia and not her parents.
    Adam laughed. Then cleared his throat, stopping as suddenly as he had started. “Sorry.”
    She glared at him.
    It’s just entertaining to know that I’m your preferred irritant, that’s all. This time two years ago, you wouldn’t have dreamed of sitting in the same room with me. Now you’re grateful to be sleeping under my roof.
    There’s still plenty of time for me to change my mind.
    He smirked, but he didn’t look in her direction, his eyes on Mia with all apparent attention to what she was saying. I don’t doubt that you will.
    “Garrit, do you mind keeping Alex? I want to go find my father.”
    “Of course.” He kissed her cheek. “If you need anything, just shout.”
    “I think I’ll be fine.”
    His eyes shifted from her face to Adam. “Even so.”
    She nodded and stood up, excusing herself to follow the trail of her father’s mind and escape her brother’s thoughts.

    When Adam joined her in the library a short time later, Eve was surprised Garrit wasn’t fast on his heels.
    Can’t you take a hint?
    He smiled and sat down across from her. I’m sorry, I was under the impression you were trying to escape your mother.
    I don’t know why I even came.
    If you hadn’t, you would’ve been subjected to the same criticisms, only more vociferous. Why do you care? These Watsons aren’t your family. You’ve made that clear.
    She frowned and glanced at her father, who sat snoring in a chair with a book open in his lap and half a glass of port at his elbow. They raised me. They loved me. Just because they’re not DeLeons doesn’t mean I don’t consider them to be family. And if I didn’t, do you really think they’d be able to drive me this crazy?
    He chuckled. Anne is certainly problematic.
    Mia, too. She sighed. But it would be cruel to abandon them, regardless.

    Abandon them to me, you mean. That’s what you’re really worried about, isn’t it? What I’ll do to them if you absent yourself completely.
    She looked back at him, startled. No.
    No? He stared at her. Is that trust, Eve? Maybe just a hint of it?
    No. I just think you care about Mia.
    His forehead furrowed and he looked away. Not enough.
    Enough to leave.
    I’m not a monster, Eve. And hurting your sister will hardly help me later.
    She shook her head, but said nothing. It troubled her that he was thinking to the future. To a future that may involve her. It was an impossible thing. All of this.
    He didn’t come alone, you know, he said. She could tell he was irritated, now. Whether from her unspoken thoughts, or because he had admitted more than he had meant to, she didn’t know.
    Your husband. Didn’t you wonder why he agreed to this so easily? Here, in my own home, where he has no control? Where your safety isn’t guaranteed by DeLeon lands?
    She scowled.

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