The Untold
Chapter One
    Nicole Gainer fidgeted in the front seat of her husband’s Ford 150 pickup. They’d been stuck in what could only be termed gridlock in the small country town of Macon Valley for nearly an hour and there didn’t seem to be much prospect of moving anytime soon. As it stood their pickup was wedged in nicely between two huge grain trucks, waiting to unload at the grain elevator. It was that time of the year again, when the trucks all lined up to get weighed and then deposit their grain at the elevators—then they had to be reweighed once empty. That equaled a huge mess on the main, two lane road running through Macon Valley.
    Cody had tried to take another route to get them to the feed factory in time for his meeting with a supplier but that way had been blocked by a stopped train. Often, even though it was against the law, the trains would block the tracks for hours. He’d assumed this way would be better even with the grain trucks. He’d been wrong but Nicole would never say as much to him. It would hurt his pride.
    Cody put his large hand on her thigh and her hand automatically went to his. “Sorry, baby,” he said, his Southern accent thick.
    She smiled up at him. “Think Everett will understand why you’re late?”
    At the mention of his best friend and business partner, Cody shifted in his seat a bit. He pulled his cell out—it was rarely put away. “I already texted him,” said Cody, one hand on the wheel as he stared out at the mess before them. “He’s gone ahead and handled the supplier without me.”
    She stared at her husband’s profile, soaking in how handsome a man he was. They’d not been married long. Less than a month and their courting time had been short. Shorter than her mother had thought was right. Something about Cody had swept her off her feet and she’d not looked back once since coming to Macon Valley and meeting him. She’d been living in town with him just under a month and already she was starting to notice people watching them whenever they were out and about. They seemed surprised Cody had settled down. She’d overheard talk about him being quite the ladies’ man before she came along. She’d not had the courage to outright question anyone about his past let alone Cody. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know just how many women he’d romanced especially since her number of conquests was limited to just him.
    She’d heard other things too. Things she didn’t like to think too hard upon. Things involving Cody and Everett.
    Cody lifted their hands and kissed the back of hers. “You look lost in thought, baby.”
    “Sorry,” she said as she unbuckled and slid closer to him. They hadn’t budged once in nearly an hour so she felt safe in doing so. She snuggled against his powerful frame and kissed his upper arm, just under his t-shirt sleeve, on one of his many tattoos. “I was thinking about you.”
    “You were, huh?” His mouth twisted into a bad boy grin that said he was thinking dirty thoughts. “Did it involve you, me, here, now with your head buried in my lap, sucking my cock?”
    He had the dirtiest mouth but she was fast getting used to it. It turned her on. She laughed, loving how much he always seemed to want her. “With all these people around? No.”
    He brought their joined hands to her jaw and then traced his finger over her lower lip. “They can’t see in here. They’re in big ole trucks, blockin’ us from view. And the other side is all blocked too. See. It’s fine.”
    She tipped her head wondering if he was serious. The expression on his face said he was. The idea excited her. Everything about Cody did. It had been four months since she’d given him her virginity and four months of seemingly endless sex. The man was insatiable and she loved every second of it. He talked about having sex in public a lot , but they’d never actually done it. Well, once they’d had sex in his office at work, after hours , only for her to learn his

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