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Book: Retrieval by Lea Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Griffith
lamplight cast eerie shadows in the room, but it served to do one thing; it clearly showed Sky’s sisters, come to the rescue.
    Morrissey stiffened, then took a step toward the woman in the corner. Horror ghosted over the woman’s features. She held her hand out. Supplication or invitation, it was anybody’s guess.
    “Where the hell have you been?” Morrissey managed to get out.
    The woman, clearly affronted by the question, became incensed. Her eyes glittered, and her face tightened. Her look could have smote Morrissey on the spot.
    “None of your damn business. Put some freakin’ clothes on, man. My eyes are burning,” the woman nearly shouted, averting her gaze and looking straight into Sebastian’s eyes.
    She was beautiful, as beautiful as the rest of them. Her eyes sparked gold in the lamplight, and her hair, black as midnight, seemed to soak up the light and drown it in the ebony locks.
    “Let me guess. Aurora?” Sebastian ground out between clenched teeth.
    “My name, for your information, is Kinsey, not Aurora. If you ever want me to like you,” she cut her eyes at Morrissey’s rigid frame, “you’ll call me by my true name. Aurora was given to me by a piece of shit I met on previous journey through hell. I didn’t like him very much, and I don’t like anyone who calls me by that name.”
    “That explains a lot,” Morrissey drawled snidely from his position, but, like a shot, the man moved and had Kinsey backed into the corner, his body all but obliterating any view of the tiny woman.
    “Get off my sister, asshole,” the woman Sebastian held said and then began struggling.
    “I remember which one you are now,” Sebastian said lightly, “You’re Piper.”
    “Oh fuck off. Let me go,” Piper gritted out.
    “Bleak, get me some flex-cuffs. I don’t think these ladies are safe on the loose around us.”
    “No cuffs, Bastian; that’s just not nice. Remember, you have to eventually get these women’s blessing,” Skylar chastised from the bed. Her whisper rang with pain.
    Then the room seemed to swell with unseen energy, and before anyone could blink, Morrissey was on the floor, writhing in pain but with no obvious wounds.
    Sebastian’s attention switched to the bed, and he removed his arm from Piper’s throat. He did not let go of her weapon. The woman ran to the other side of the bed, and before he could blink, Kinsey was there as well.
    “No, Skylar, what you just did to Morrissey wasn’t nice. Let him up,” Sebastian said.
    Skylar shot him an irritated look and just that quickly he went from relieved to see her awake to brick hard and wanting her. She released whatever hold she had on his man and shot him another mean glance. Lord above, he could grow to love a woman who could dish it out even while she was down.
    He quickly lowered himself beside the bed.
    “How do you feel?” he asked her quietly, giving the sisters a look that promised retribution if they started back up with their bitching.
    “I’m assuming you want honesty here? I feel like complete and total she-ite. Where are we?” Skylar closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose to combat nausea.
    “We’re back in Chicago. We had a safe house set up here, and that’s where we brought you. I’m sure your friends in Des Moines are still looking for you in the cornfield Morrissey blew up,” Sebastian informed her.
    “That’s nice. Hey, Bastian, can you get me some water or something? Maybe a double scotch on the rocks, a Jack and Coke? Anything to wet my whistle?” she asked, her voice broken by thirst and pain.
    “Are you trying to get rid of me?” A frown marred his features.
    “Noooo, I just want something to drink,” she said with a heavy sigh and grimace.
    “Are you hurting? I didn’t want to risk taking you to a hospital because of the men looking for you. The bullet is still in you, and we need to get it out. A friend of ours is on the way here to help us out with that.”
    The man was too

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