Winds Of The Apocalypse

Free Winds Of The Apocalypse by Karina Novak

Book: Winds Of The Apocalypse by Karina Novak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Novak
and…and…” He started sobbing. Both Colin and Toby felt ve ry awkward by this development.
    “Calm down.” Colin gritte d his teeth. “What did you do?”
    Din managed to take a ragged deep breath.
    "Is Morgan going to die?" Col in asked, staring at the floor.
    He covered his own mouth with his hand. 'Did those words really just rolled down his tongue and came out of his mouth??'
    Din shook his head. “No…” He whispered. “I don’t….” He huffed, wiping his tear struck face with his sleeve. "I don't know, his mother just said that they took him to the hospital…the night guard found him lying in a pull of his own blood at four am…"
    His voice died out. “Someone…something…” He couldn't go on.
    They sat silent until Toby finally spoke, his voice barely a whisper.
    "All that blood we saw…"
    "Morgan's blood…"
    Din nodded, looking completely distraught “He fell…” Din looked up at his friends.
    "The cops don't think it was an accident either. His head…it was practically cracked open…Someone pushed him down those stairs. Someone pushed him by force…and Casey…" He choked again. "She thinks that I tried to kill him."
    Din sobbed. "It's my entire fault. She is right…I wasn't there to stop it, he was alone, it’s like I did kill one of my best friends…I’m just as good as the killer, I’m no better than the monster who did it, Casey will hate me forever….She will never forgive me for this."
    Toby breathed out, he wanted to make this all go away but he couldn't, he laid a hopefully assuring hand on Din's trembling shoulder.
    "We don't know if he's dead, Din. Please don’t blame yourself. There was no way for you to know something like that would happen. No one knew no one is at fault but that beast that pushed him." He said, not knowing how accurate his description was.
    Din shook his head.
    "Me and my stupid ideas. I should have never suggested going and checking the hag's age. That was so stupid, me and my brilliant plans…"
    "So what is it?" Colin interrupted him, sounding as if nothing had happened and they were in the middle of an ordinary school day.
    Din blinked in surprise. “What?”
    “What is it?” Colin repeated.
    "What's what?" Din asked his eyes dried out from crying.
    "What is the hag's real age?" Colin asked sternly and Din almost exploded as it downed on him what it was that his friend was asking.
    "WHAT?! How can you even think about asking me something like that in a time like this?!" He yelped, his voice still cracked and barely audible but screeching none the less.
    Colin shrugged. "I'm sorry…I was just trying to light up the mood a little…"
    "Well, you failed!" Din stood up in anger.
    “Seriously dude, not cool.” Toby agreed and that statement seemed to only make Din angrier.
    “You are both impossible!" Din growled, throwing his hands in the air. "God! I'm going back to bed and wish to wake up from this nightmare! I’m just going to pretend like this day never happened!!"
    “You know you can’t really do that! It won’t h elp.” Toby stood up behind him.
    “Well, I’m going to try anyway!” Din spat in anger and with that he walked off, leaving Toby to glare at Colin.
    "Nice move, dumb ass." He said annoyed, “Is this the reaction you expected?”
    Colin sighed. "Don't worry; I mentally kicked myself two seconds after I said that.”
    Toby looked at the direction Din walked off to. "You deserve a real kick too, you know that?"
    ”Yeah yeah, you can give me one when this is over ok?” Toby kicked him. “Oooww! I didn't mean now!”
    Din stormed into his room, slamming the door with all the force he had in him.
    He threw himself on the bed, hiding his face in his arms and crying his heart out, his heart wrenching sobs shaking his quilt filled body.
    "Shit! Shit!" He muttered. “Why did this have to happen?! Why him?!” He fiercely

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