Morgan growled in annoyance. "Stop being sorry Din! Just tell me, what the fuck is going on?!" Morgan backed into the wall, breathing hard just like his sister did, he couldn't understand and it was killing him, pretty ironic considering the state his body was in.
"Am I…" Realization hit him, overcoming his mind, the images from the night before flushing before his eyes.
'The hooded man…The stairs…The screaming…That wasn't a dream, was it? He didn't even dare to hope that it was. He fell, he fell and he bleed…That suffocating darkness that took him…'
"Am I…" Morgan let his tears fall freely down his face, he didn't even consider the absurd of an idea that a ghost could cry. "Am I dead?" He raised his eyes to look into Din’s sad face. “Tell…please…” Morgan begged him. “Did I die last night?”
Din gulped, he didn't expect Morgan to be so fragile, so innocent.
“I don’t…I don’t know…” Din whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Ooohhh…How?” Morgan let his body slide down to the floor. “Why…?” He looked down at his hands, still the same as they were, only now growing paler as only the dead did.
"What happened to me?" Morgan finally asked, not even bothering to raise his gaze or change his position, he didn't think that it would change anything, for him it was already over.
“Morgan…” Din took a deep breath and closed the space between them, crouching next to Morgan like his friends did with him. "Someone, I don’t know who…But I promise that we will find him!” He said quickly. “Someone caught you last night after we separated and he…He pushed you down the stairs and you…” He couldn't just say it. “You were bleeding so bad…I saw it…I…The night guard found your body this morning…"
His voice got stuck in his throat, he couldn't go on, and to tell Morgan that he was seeing him hurt so bad…It was just impossible.
"So I am dead." Morgan concluded , the images of the night still a blur in his head.
“But if I am dead…” He began slowly. “Oh no…” Morgan suddenly sprung to his feet, startling his friend and making Din jump back in fear, making him fall on his ass.
"Oh my god! Casey! Is she all right?! I have to go talk to her! If I'm dead and she knows it …I can't even imagine what state she is in right now. What she might do!"
“No! Morgan! Wait!”
Din scrambled to his feet and tried to halt his friend as he sprung to the door but of course he couldn't catch his unobtainable body, he watched him reach for the door when the door suddenly flew open and Colin, sweaty and exited ran in, not even noticing the surprised Morgan who stood back by the door, inches from him.
"Din! I have something really important to tell you! Morgan is…What are you staring at?" Colin closed his mouth, noticing Din's gaze at a spot behind him, he looked as if he was in some sort of trance, mesmerized by that unique point. Colin blinked.
"Ohh…Hmmm…" Din muttered. “It’s...Ehh…nothing. What did you want to tell me about Morgan?"
"Ohm!" Colin smiled. "Do you know where he is now?"
"Right here." Morgan said, clearing his throat, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Colin froze and Din grinned as his friend turned from him, his eyes going wide and blank from horror and then Din had also managed to catch Colin when the poor kid's eyes rolled back in his head and he fell unconscious to the floor.
Morgan looked at Colin, slightly amused.
"Is he ok?" Morgan asked, looking down at his friend as he examined Colin's fainted body.
Din nodded, combing Colin's hair from his face and looking up at Morgan.
"He is fine." Din smiled. "He just doesn't respond to ghosts as well as I do." Din smirked, shaking his head and shaking Colin awake in tow.
It's not easy to cope with loss, and as Morgan soon found
Reshonda Tate Billingsley