hit the pillow like it was to blame. “Why?!” He shouted. “Why couldn't it have been me?! SHIT!" He screamed.
"Is something wrong?"
Din suddenly heard a familiar voice beside him, without even looking up he begun to shake.
“Are you all right? Why are you crying like that?” The voice continued. “Did some chick dump you or something?” The voice droned sar castically and then it laughed.
“Man, I haven’t seen you cry like that since the first day of school when your mommy left you alone, that was hysterical.”
“Stop…Please stop…” Din muttered, he raised his head from the pillow and gasped, the sight of his friend's ghost standing before him was enough to make what’s left of his heart shutter to pisses.
“Din?” The being reached its hand towards him and Din, screaming it terror jumped to his feet, getting as much distance as he could between himself and the intruder.
"No…No…Stay away from me…You’re not real...Mo… Mor…Morgan!" He yelped out and Morgan grinned.
"Yes, I know my name is Morgan, Din what’s wrong? What’s going on? Why do you look like you just saw a gho st or something? It’s just me."
He took a step forward and Din stumbled back. “No! Please! I’m sorry!” Morgan halted his step, looking at his friend, puzzled. 'Why was he so terrified by the mere sight of him? Why did Din look like he was actually afraid of him?'
Din shook his head. “Please…stay away.”
Morgan frowned. “Dude, you act like you actually see a ghost.”
Din let out a short laugh. "I think I did…oh god….I mean I am. Damn...I'm going out of my mind." He said to himself. ”Oh god…I’m so sorry.”
“Dude! Stop it!” Morgan crossed his arms over his chest. “Did you go religious on me or some shit like that, that you keep muttering about god?” He asked and Din stared at Morgan. ‘That was not possible, was it?’
"You can't be here…” Din muttered, willing the vision away but as predicted wishing Morgan away did not help him. ”I…did you come back to get revenge?”
“What are you doing here then? C’mon! Just get it over with!" Din screamed and Morgan looked at him like he had really just lost it.
"What do you mean what am I doing here?! I live here! What the fuck kind of question is that? Where else would I go but this shit hole?! I am stuck here for the summer just like you do!" He said, putting his hands on his hips.
Din took a deep breath. “It’s just guilt…It's just guilt…I'm not mental….My mind is messing with me right now."
Din turned from a really confused Morgan, doing his best to ignore him as Morgan stepped closer to him. "Din, for fuck sake…!"
Morgan, utterly pissed off by his friend’s actions tried to reach out and grab him, to turn him around but his hand went straight through Din’s back like one of them wasn't even there, like one of them really was the ghost Din was so scared of.
Morgan gasped in shock, stumbling backwards; he stared at his hand that to him seemed completely solid, ‘What the hell was going on here?’
“Oh god…what is this?” Morgan whispered, drawing his friend’s attention.
Din slowly turned around to face him, still half wishing him away.
"Are you…really here? Are you really…real?" He asked, biting his lip.
Morgan still stared at his hand, silent as a tombstone, his pale face only reflecting the horror he was feeling.
"What…?" Din slowly took a step towa rds him. “What is it…? Morgan?”
"My hand…" Morgan stuttered, still examining his hand in the radi ant light of the early morning.
“What…what about it?” Din took another step towards him.
"I…I tried to grab you…But it was like I was trying to catch air…My hand…It went straight through you!" Morgan looked up at Din. “Why is this happening?! What did you do to me!?”
He glared at Din, his eyes as accusing as Casey’s were, 'They are so alike.' Din thought and involuntary shrunk back. ”I…I’m
Reshonda Tate Billingsley