9: The Iron Temple

Free 9: The Iron Temple by Ginn Hale

Book: 9: The Iron Temple by Ginn Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginn Hale
Saimura close and kissed his mouth. Saimura’s hands stroked Fenn’s chest and waist with shaking care.
    John began to feel distinctly uncomfortable. They were both attractive men and he couldn’t help but watch them. At the same time his growing arousal threatened to become embarrassing.
    He didn’t think Fenn would care if he joined them, but Saimura would probably panic. Even if Saimura had been willing, John knew he couldn’t be with the two of them. It would be an utter betrayal of Ravishan. John would rather die than hurt Ravishan for a few minutes of pleasure.
    He stood and stepped out of the tub. An instant later Saimura pulled away from Fenn.
    “It’s getting late,” Saimura said a little breathlessly. “We should get some sleep.”
    John toweled off as Saimura climbed out of the tub. John tried not to notice Saimura’s attempt to hide his erection with a towel. Fenn hopped out of the tub a moment later. Saimura glanced to him nervously. Fenn smiled.
    “No harm done,” Fenn said softly.
    He toweled off easily. Obviously, their encounter had aroused Fenn, but not as strongly as it had Saimura. The three of them dressed in robes and retreated to the cool upstairs.
    Their room was furnished with five beds, a big dresser, a large enamel washbasin, and four pitchers of wash water. Chamber pots were tucked under the beds and three extra blankets sat in the bottom drawer of the dresser.
    John chose a bed near the door. It looked slightly bigger than the others. He curled up against the cool sheets and wrapped his blankets tight around his body. Saimura lay down in the bed across from John’s. Fenn took the bed behind Saimura’s.
    “Well, it’s good night and good dreams,” Fenn said. He snuffed out the flame of the oil lamp. A deep darkness filled the room.
    John drifted a little, trying to sleep but never quite relaxing enough to drift off. He wished he could feel Ravishan. He concentrated, but Ravishan was somewhere in the Gray Space and beyond his reach.
    An hour or so later John heard the quiet rustle of blankets. He opened his eyes, expecting to see Pirr’tu returning to the room. Instead, he made out Fenn’s slim silhouette. He knelt beside Saimura’s bedside and touched Saimura’s shoulder.
    “It’s cold out here,” Fenn whispered.
    “You shouldn’t…” Saimura moved his head closer to Fenn’s. “Jath’ibaye—”
    “He’s asleep and dreaming,” Fenn said. “But I can’t rest, not the way you left me.”
    “I didn’t—”
    Fenn leaned forward and kissed Saimura.
    “You did,” Fenn said. John suspected from his tone that Fenn might be smiling. “I can’t get you out of my thoughts now.” The blanket rustled and John thought that Fenn might have slipped one of his arms beneath Saimura’s bedding. Saimura gave a soft gasp.
     “I could freeze, sitting on the floor here all night,” Fenn said.
    “No you couldn’t.”
    “At least kiss me again,” Fenn said.
    Saimura kissed him. They leaned close for a long while. John thought he saw Fenn stroke Saimura’s face.
    “Should I go back to my own bed now?” Fenn asked.
    “No.” Saimura peeled the blankets back and Fenn slid into the bed next to him. For quite a while, they were very quiet and still. John tried to imagine that they had somehow fallen asleep. Steadily, though, he became aware of their bodies moving beneath the blankets and their fast, gasping breaths. Being plainly more practiced at surreptitious sex, Fenn was nearly silent, but quiet moans of pleasure escaped Saimura. The bed rocked to an unmistakable rhythm.
    John tried to think of stones, glaciers, distant forests, even difficult math problems. None of it distracted him from his intense awareness of the two men fucking in the bed across from him.
    At last they lay still. Several minutes passed. Fenn lifted himself off of Saimura and kissed him several times. Saimura pulled him down closer. They lay together quietly.
    “Pirr’tu will be coming back

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