Release (The Protector Book 3)

Free Release (The Protector Book 3) by M.R. Merrick

Book: Release (The Protector Book 3) by M.R. Merrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.R. Merrick
from overexertion, we will be here much longer than you want.”
    Tiki was right. The last time that had happened, I had been stuck in a coma for twelve hours, and we couldn’t afford that now. The thought of doing anything for Vincent made me feel uneasy inside, but Tiki was adamant about waiting, and he was right; I needed to rest.

    Chapter 8
    I tried calling my element several times over the next hour, but all it did was cause pain. The water in the creek had healed almost everything, but my chest was a raw wound that throbbed continuously.
    Tiki had disappeared into the forest and returned with a large handful of strange looking berries. They were large, white, and round with small blue dots. When he tore one open, a thick green juice dripped from the center.
    “Try them,” Tiki urged, pushing his hand closer to my face. I backed away and grimaced. “They are very good, and they will give you energy.”
    “And they’re safe?” I asked.
    “You don’t see me dying, do you?” he asked, as a drop of green juice ran down his lip.
    “I guess not…” I said, reaching out and taking a single berry. I examined it closely and sniffed it, as though that could tell me what it tasted like. I let the tip of my tongue lick the outer edge at first, but there was no flavor. It was dry, bumpy, and rough. Finally, I held my breath and popped it into my mouth.
    As I bit down, a strange gush exploded and thick liquid rolled over my tongue. The liquid crackled and popped in my mouth and a surprising flavor formed: a mix of watermelon and honeydew sloshed between my lips, and something else…a flavor I’d never had before.
    “Wow, this is delicious.”
    “I told you they were.” Tiki extended his hand and offered more berries.
    I reached forward and took a small handful when Vincent coughed behind us and began to stir.
    Tiki and I crouched on either side of him. He’d been out for nearly an hour but already looked to be in better health: the scabbed cuts on his throat had shrunk, the little red scratches that had covered his face and arms were gone, and the creamy color had returned to his complexion. With the exception of his hair being covered in dirt, he was almost recognizable.
    “Vincent Taryk, are you alright?” Tiki asked.
    Vincent gagged and rolled onto his side. Dust shot up from the dirt as he coughed and his hands plunged into the earth. He crawled towards the creek and dipped his hands in for a drink. When he tilted his head back to swallow, the coughing stopped, and he fell back onto his butt.
    “Are you okay?” I asked.
    Vincent took a few deep breaths before nodding. “Fine…” he said. “I just need a moment to compose myself.”
    “Well, make it quick. We’ve already lost an hour and we’re running out of daylight.”
    Vincent’s eyes opened wide and he was on his feet in a flash, his head looking up, then around him in quick, sharp motions.
    He disappeared and blurs moved left and right around us. Leaves and small branches wavered on the bushes, and even at his speed I could hear his panicked breaths. Rushes of wind blew past my face and finally he stopped in front of us. Creases lined his forehead and his brows were furrowed. He gripped both my arms and pulled my face close to his.
    “Daylight? You brought me to a place with a sun?”
    “Three suns!” Tiki said with excitement. “And wait until you see the landscapes. Drakar is known for its beautiful—”
    “You idiot!” Vincent growled. “I can’t go in sunlight. Why did you bring me here?”
    I pushed Vincent back and watched him stumble to regain his balance. He really was out of it. His torn dress shirt, which looked like it had once been a baby blue, was dark with blood. “You begged me to take you with us. We did. Maybe you should show some appreciation. You’re alive, aren’t you?”
    “You have no idea what…” Vincent turned and paced the dirt like a predator on the hunt. His eyes squinted from the stream of

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