Bite Me, Your Grace

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Authors: Brooklyn Ann
her father to let her use her dowry for her writing career instead of marriage.
    For the tenth time this afternoon, she peered out her window at Burnrath House. The mansion loomed behind the budding hawthorn trees in silent vigilance, guarding a vampire during his day rest… a vampire who had drunk her blood then apologized for it… a vampire who had nearly kissed her and probably would have apologized for that as well. Instead of a horrid monster who slaughtered innocents, he had been a gentleman who’d summoned a doctor, seen that her injuries were treated, and sent her safely home.
    Angelica smiled as she thought back to that night, five days ago, when the doctor had helped her out of the carriage and into the arms of her frantic parents. The look on her mother’s face as she took in Angelica’s masculine attire had been so comical that her face had burned with the effort of suppressing the giggles. She had dozed on and off as she was hauled into the house, muzzy-headed from the medicine the doctor forced down her throat and only half hearing her mother’s tirade.
    Papa had looked so frightened and concerned that she had longed to tell him some good news. On a flight of inspiration, she had informed them about the publication of her first story as if the happy event had occurred that very day.
    â€œYou will be a published author?” Papa’s eyes had lit up once they were settled in the drawing room. “Well done, my dearest!”
    â€œDo not encourage her!” Margaret shrieked, doubtless on the verge of hysterics. “If anyone knows she penned that story, she will be ruined beyond all hope.”
    Angelica’s head had nodded back and forth in slow motion. It seemed that she could see everything in double. She feared she would fall out of her chair. She gripped the sides of her seat in a futile effort to stop the swaying.
    Dr. Sampson must have noticed, for he’d interrupted the discussion. “The young lady has had a very trying day. I have given her a healthy dose of laudanum and I recommend that she be put to bed immediately. I will check on her tomorrow and bring a crutch with me.”
    The following days were paradise for Angelica. She spent nearly the entire time writing, with no Almack’s, no balls, no callers, no suitors, and no lectures from Margaret to take her away from her muse. When she wasn’t writing, she enjoyed meals in bed and reading her favorite novels, taking every available opportunity to look out the window at the Burnrath mansion and daydream about her encounter with the vampire. Over and over she replayed her adventure with him in her mind, relishing the tingle that ran up her spine with each remembered detail.
    Angelica shook her head and fought to remain practical. She would miss having the duke as a neighbor when she moved to a modest flat and embarked on her career. Perhaps she could call on him sometime when her career was more established. Then maybe she could ask him about vampires… and maybe he would kiss her! She frowned. Practical , she must be practical. And yet her belly fluttered as she imagined his lips on hers… and the sight of his bare chest beneath his unbuttoned shirt.
    To be truthful, her ankle had felt fine since the day before. She merely wanted more time to finish her story and enjoy her peace away from the social whirlwind.
    Only moments after Liza departed with her letter and manuscript, Margaret marched into Angelica’s bedchamber with Dr. Sampson. It was time for another examination. Unfortunately, this time he pronounced her healed. Angelica bit back an unladylike curse.
    â€œThen we may go to the Cavendish ball tonight?” Mother asked him, wringing her hands.
    â€œJust so long as she limits her dancing,” he said, closing his medical bag.
    Margaret beamed. Angelica groaned.
    John Polidori awoke to the sound of a soft soprano singing a haunting melody. A blissful sigh escaped his

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