Before Time (The Time Trilogy Book 1)

Free Before Time (The Time Trilogy Book 1) by Xunaira J.

Book: Before Time (The Time Trilogy Book 1) by Xunaira J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xunaira J.
me will change.
    Impassioned: My opinion is not a political statement and I’m not judging you by physical aspects. It will NEVER change, but at least stop degrading yourself like that.
    ME: Why not? I’ve been rejected numerous times.
    Impassioned: Do you mean proposals, etc?
    ME: Not proposals, but by people. Let’s consider my college mates for example; they always used to make fun of me. It hurt me so much.
    Impassioned: These are only hormonal changes that cause mood swings in you.
    ME: No! I don’t think so.
    Impassioned: Did you ever take contraceptive pills?
    ME: Never!
    Impassioned: Always safe sex?
    ME: Yes!
    Impassioned: Do you take sleeping pills?
    ME: I took them when I was sixteen.
    Impassioned: Mood elevators?
    ME: No mood elevators.
    Impassioned: Remember that sexual activity before marriage creates hormonal changes in a girl. Your mood swings might be an effect of that. I heard that from a doctor.
    ME: How come?
    Impassioned: Well, as I heard and read, when a girl has had orgasms during sex or perhaps several orgasms, then it starts a hormonal cycle in a girl. It’s like a machine that turns on, and then the girl needs continuous sex to balance that cycle.
    ME: Hmmm!
    Impassioned: I’m not a doctor, but that sounds pretty understandable.
    ME: Of course it does.
    Impassioned: It’s not possible that even once in your sexual activity you never had an orgasm, so the cycle must be misbalanced now that you are inactive.
    ME: I don’t know, maybe!
    Impassioned: My friend, trust me when I say that you are a normal girl and there is no problem with you. The only problem you have is in your mind.
    ME: Mind?
    Impassioned: Maybe some sort of hormonal imbalance and change of perception.
    ME: Then why do people make fun of me?
    Impassioned: Like what do they say?
    ME: Gorilla! Elephant! How ugly I am! How fat I am!
    Impassioned: How much do you weigh?
    ME: 90 kg.
    Impassioned: Your height?
    ME: 5 feet, 11 inches.
    Impassioned: That’s almost a man’s height.
    ME: I know! I’m so tall.
    Impassioned: That weight and height balance out.
    ME: They don’t!
    Impassioned: Listen, I really didn’t want to do it, but now I’ll request you to show me your worst picture, if you can.
    ME: My worst picture? There are so many of them.
    Impassioned: Yes, the worst picture that you have, in which I can see you from head to toe.
    ME: OK!
    Impassioned: Promise me that you will send me the worst one.
    ME: Of course! I will show you the one I’m scared of showing anyone.
    Impassioned: Go and find it.
    ME: I’ve got it.
    I chose a picture which was only a month old, right before my sister’s wedding. This picture was taken by my sister during another wedding, and I was wearing a sea-green frock with silver heels. I still remember the tantrum I’d thrown when I saw the picture because I looked so broad and ugly. My sister was of the opinion that I looked cute. Anyways, that was the only full-length picture I had, and a gross one at that.
    Impassioned: If you have that much trust in me, then I will consider it Allah’s mercy, as I do not deserve anything .
    Once again, I pasted a link to my picture to him.
    ME: When you have seen it, tell me, I’ll delete it.
    Impassioned: Delete it.
    ME: Done.
    Impassioned: Today, 1oth of December 2010, I broke all of my rules on mIRC.
    ME: You have?
    Impassioned: You are the first girl, I swear, the first one! OK, now listen to me.
    ME: Yes, I’m listening.
    Impassioned: No! You are not a gorilla, of course not an elephant. Yes, a little bit expanded from the thigh, but so are all girls, but you are absolutely nothing like people say. Do you show your irritation when they say all this?
    ME: Yes! All of the Lums channel made fun of me and asked me how much I eat.
    Impassioned: Lums :)
    ME: Yes!
    Impassioned: Have cyber-sex with some of the guys and agree to meet them in real life. Do you think that they will make fun of you?
    ME: Nope, they won’t, and I won’t lower or degrade myself to

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