America's Nazi Secret: An Insider's History

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Authors: John Loftus
Tags: General Fiction
called Liquid Light, are preparing a bit of a shock for the Arabs. We have found a way to manufacture the Holy Grail of Alternative Energy, the Indium Gallium Nitride Solar cell (InGaN). Not only does this InGaN solar cell use 100% of the sun’s bandwidth (as opposed to 20% for existing solar cells), but it can be manufactured so cheaply that an InGaN solar cell can produce electricity at two cents per kilowatt hour versus 10-15 cents per KWH from a carbon based power plant.
    One hesitates to predict the future of any new technology, but at such a low cost, it is certainly possible that within a decade, solar cell roof shingles could make most homes in America oil/energy independent. It is not beyond the realm of possibility to predict that InGaN products will allow a homeowner to charge his electric automobiles for next to nothing while selling excess power back through the grid for industrial use. If even a tenth of the predicted successes of our “Liquid Light” corporation takes place, the low cost production of Indium Gallium products will transform the American electronics and energy industries, while driving the Arab financiers of terrorism into bankruptcy.
    Whether the Justice and State Departments like it or not, their Arab friends and their wealthy American backers may not be able to purchase political protection and influence in the very near future. The long dark night of corporate corruption of the Justice Department may be coming to an end. Perhaps it is time for President Obama to offer a blanket pardon to every member of the Justice Department (or the Executive Branch) who confesses a part in any criminal activities or cover ups. In the alternative, Congress could establish a South-African style “truth commission” and offer immunity to any member of the Executive Branch who testifies under oath about corruption, obstruction of Congress, or conspiracy to violate the law. It may be too late for Justice, but it is not too late for the truth.
    [ 1 ] In fact, a retired Military Intelligence official told me that the SOD was the unit that at one time served as the principal link between the FBI and military counter-intelligence. Consequently, the bureau had access to the unsanitized CIC files for each of the Byelorussian Nazis as part of the FBI domestic counter-intelligence program. That may explain why the FBI files made only cursory reference to the fact that its informants admitted serving the Germans during the occupation. The FBI had no need to duplicate the voluminous information provided by the SOD. Perhaps coincidentally, several people associated with the SOD had been stationed in Germany on intelligence operations after the war. I never had a chance to interview them, since they retired from the Army or were transferred overseas immediately after the GAO investigation.
    [ 2 ] President Carter’s Director of Central Intelligence did not even know that his own signature appeared on Moghaddam’s paperwork for the 100 Persons Act. It appears that the Justice Department has completely violated Congressional law, and imports alleged terrorists without any checks or balances from other agencies.
    [ 3 ] Almost all of the rank and file members of the FBI are good and decent people. We did not trust the FBI as an institution for several reasons. They repeatedly tried to recruit Sami Al Arian as an informant. Moreover, the FBI’s Special Agent in Charge of the Tampa Field Office was an open supporter of the Congress of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is the propaganda arm of the Hamas Terrorist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    National Archives Box 16 of the CIA’s documents contains the files for Mykola Lebed, whom the CIA innocently believed to be a leader of the Anti Nazi resistance in the Ukraine. Justice Department Officials Richard Sullivan and Alan Ryan knew that Lebed was actually head of the Ukrainian version of the Gestapo, the SB, hired by CIA’s

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