Male Me

Free Male Me by Amarinda Jones

Book: Male Me by Amarinda Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amarinda Jones
Tags: Erotic Romance
her was a hard smack on the mouth. She felt her lip split open on impact.
    “I have only got the one dick, but its prime meat, and I’ll make sure I shove it in every hole you liked to be fucked in.” The bouncer grabbed her and threw her down on the bed. “I’ve watched those tapes. I know what you like, you perverted bitch.”
    Delaware tried to struggle, but it was impossible. He was bigger and stronger. Despite that, there was no way she was going to go easily. She scratched his face, gouging his cheek with her fingernails, and kicked out at his shins. Her action had little impact on the man. He just struck her again. She staggered backward to get away from him. Was she imagining it in her woozy state or did she hear the sound of feet thundering down the hall.
    Please God let it be so .
    Speed launched himself at the man and pulled him away from Delaware. Templeton rushed over to take Delaware out of harm’s way.
    “Why did you come back?” She asked in a daze as she clutched at him. “I mean, I’m glad you did but how did you know I needed you?”
    “Call it gut instinct. We were almost at the police station when we wondered if the guy was waiting for a chance to take you.” He touched her bloody lip tenderly. “Are you okay?”
    “Yes, thanks to you two.” Delaware watched as Speed slammed his fist into the man’s face.
    “I really want to beat the shit out of him,” Templeton growled.
    “Go ahead ─ slug him for me.”
    Templeton smiled at her and shook his head.
    “Nah, two against one is not fair. I’ll wait until Speed tires then I’ll step in.”
    “Thank you.” Delaware kissed his cheek softly.
    “What for? We love you, darlin’. We will always protect you.”

    “I want the sofa over there,” Delaware said as she stood with her hands on her hips and glared at the two men.
    “Darlin’, it’s my house and it’s staying where it is,” Templeton told her. He sat down on the piece of furniture in question.
    “I thought the point of moving in together was so we could all share things.” She looked to Speed for assistance. The idea was to live together, enjoying each other as only those in love could.
    Speed held his hands up in surrender and smiled at her words.
    “I’m not getting involved in a sofa dispute.”
    “Chicken.” Delaware stuck out her tongue at him. She turned her attention back to Templeton. “I bet I can make you change your mind.” She walked over to him and dropped to her knees.
    “Go ahead and give it your best shot, darlin’.”
    Delaware scooted in between his open legs and undid his fly. His cock jumped out, ready do whatever she bid of it. She leaned in and licked the tip. Templeton growled low in his throat. He positively choked when she sucked the hard flesh into her mouth.
    “Oh man,” Speed groaned and knelt behind Delaware. He flipped up her skirt and ran his hand from the top of her ass down to her clit. “You’re so wet.”
    Delaware let the cock she was sucking slide from her mouth.
    “Teaching you boys a lesson always makes me wet.” She turned around to look at Speed. “What are you going to about it?”
    “I love you, princess,” Speed said just before he rammed his shaft into her dripping core.
    “And I love you both, but you drive me crazy sometimes.” She squealed as Speed drilled deep.
    “Hey, I love you too, what about my lesson?” Templeton’s eyes were alight with love when he looked at her.
    “Are you going to move the sofa?”
    “No,” he chuckled.
    “Naughty, naughty boy,” she murmured, and then her mouth sucked his shaft inside once more.
    “I love living together,” Templeton sighed as the woman they loved went about teaching them a lesson.

About the Author
    Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes just asking for the impossible will surprise someone enough that they will give it to you. Writing is like that. Put it out there and wait for a response.

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