opposite, ALP (German, dream; also the root of the first letters
of the Greek and Hebrew alphabets— alpha and aleph, the
source, the beginning)—Anna Livia Plurabella, when her name
is written in full: the waters of life combined with all beautiful
women. She is as oral and loving as "the Omniboss" is anal and
Prometheus Rising 89
...with a beak, with a spring, all her rillringlets shaking, rock
drops in her tachie, tramtokens in her hair, all waived to a
point and then all inuendation, little oldfashioned mummy,
little wonderful mommy, ducking under bridges...as happy as
the day is wet, babbling, bubbling, chattering to herself,
deloothering the fields...
This amniotic river-woman is the perfect mother of infantile
dream memory and the Great Goddess of the ancients, the ideal
bio-survival safe, warm place and to her Joyce offers his most
fervent prayer:
In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the
Bringer of Plurabilites, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung,
her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven!
Humanity, in Joyce's view as in Rattray Taylor's, is forever
leaving her to follow the Hero (Father) to "the bluddlefilth of
Waterloo" (battlefield of Waterloo with blood and excrement
superimposed to reveal the anal-territorial roots of war) and then
returning, temporarily chastened, "to list, as she bibs us, by the
waters of babalong."
In Chapter Three of Finnegans Wake, the "offenders"
(invaders) and "defenders" (natives) get so thoroughly mixed up
that all that remains is a composite "fender" who takes the blame
for everybody.
This cyclical view of history, whether in Joyce, Rattray
Taylor, Vico (Joyce's source), Hegel-and-Marx, etc. is only part
of the truth, but it needs to be stressed because it is the part that
most people fearfully refuse to recognize. Whether we speak in
terms of Taylor's Matrist-Patrist dialectic, Vice's cycle of
Divine, Heroic and Urbanized ages, the Marx-Hegel trinity of
Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, or any variation thereon, we are
speaking of a pattern that is real and that does repeat.
But it only does so to the extent that people are robotized:
trapped in hard-wired reflexes.
When the accumulated facts, gimmicks, tools, techniques and
gadgets of neuro-science—the science of brain change and brain
liberation—reaches a certain critical mass, we will all be able to
free ourselves from these robot cycles. It is the thesis of this book
that we have been approaching that critical mass for several
go Prometheus Rising
decades now and will reach the crossover point faster than you
The current rampages of territorial-emotional pugnacity
sweeping this planet are not just another civilization falling, Vico
They are the birth-pangs of a cosmic Prometheus rising out of
the long nightmare of domesticated primate history
Of course, these are genetic/historical generalizations which
do not precisely match any specific family. The gracious goddess/
hostile giant archetypes are not activated in cases where the
mother is cold, rejecting, embittered etc. and the father is the
warm, supportive figure. The imprints on the first and second
circuits are statistically deviant in such families and anything
may result—a shaman, a schizophrenic, a genius, a homosexual,
an artist, a psychologist, etc.
In terms of the theory so far developed, analyze the following
2. King Kong
3. Odysseus
4. Hamlet
5. Bugs Bunny
6. Portnoy
7. Leopold Bloom
8. Richard M. Nixon
9. Thomas Jefferson
10. St. Paul
11. Donald Duck
12 lago
13. Jane Eyre
14. Josef Stalin
15. Joan of Arc
16. Timothy Leary
17. Aleister Crowley
18. The Author
19. Mao
Prometheus Rising
20. Carl Jung
21. The Secret Chiefs
22. Hannibal Lecter, M.D.
23. You
It says that when you put two minds together, there is always a
third mind, a