Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James

Book: Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honor James
Tags: Romance
her again lightly, he moaned softly. Much more important things. Drawing back, he stared at her. “I think we should go now, before someone comes looking for me.” Someone he’d have to beat to death.
    “I think that sounds very good. We need to go. Now.” Before she stripped him naked and did some very, very wicked things to him here in his office. “Unless your office is soundproof we better go.” Good lord, she wanted him, needed him. “It’s not but I will make sure I get that oversight fixed,” he assured her quietly. Dropping his hands to her bottom, he pulled her in closer to him. “We need to go now before I say to hell with it and take you now.” Kissing her again hard and fast, he stepped back and grabbed his backpack. “Let’s go.” He held out a hand to her.
    Slipping her hand into his, she frowned. “I need to get my knapsack as well.” It was funny. They had weird tastes in the same things. “It has my gummies. I go nowhere without them,” she teased him with a grin. “So do you mind if we stop by that room so that I can grab it and then I will go wherever you want to take me.”
    Nodding, he led her through the halls to the room she’d been staying in and to the little storage room next door. Popping the door open, he grabbed her bag and handed it to her. Once she had it on, he laced his fingers back in hers and headed for the nearest exit. He’d rather hoof it around to the lot where his bike was than go through the building and potentially get stopped. He didn’t have the patience right then.
    She raced along at his side. She couldn’t stop the smile that was spread across her face, nor did she want to. This was what she wanted, what she had always wanted. “Where are we going, out of curiosity?” She pulled up closer to him and then added, “And you are way taller than me so you are eating up ground way faster than me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a slacker when it comes to exercise but seriously, you’re killing me here,” she teased.
    “Sorry,” he muttered, easing his pace a little so she didn’t have to run. “We’re heading to my place,” he said quietly. “I hope that’s all right. It’s close, private, and very, very quiet. It’s also fully soundproofed,” he murmured as they walked along, his eyes moving all over to ensure no one dared to stop them. “I play the occasional game late into the night and have found that soundproofing means the neighbors bitch less at the volume.”
    “I’m good with your place as long as no other woman has been there.” She knew how rude that sounded but dammit he was her bond-mate, only hers. “Because you are my one and only,” she told him. “I know that I’ve talked a big game but it’s just been talk. Quincy, you are going to be my only one.” Her only lover, for now and forever, and it was just as she wanted it.
    “Just the cleaning lady that occasionally comes in to beat back the dust bunnies,” he told her honestly. “I’m a geek with unpredictable magic on the best of days.” Damned emotions seriously screwed him up. “No female even wanted to associate with me for the longest time, let alone get near me for a sexual encounter. Plus I just bought this place about two years ago. I’ve been remodeling it for the soundproofing mainly and between the job and that, I’ve barely had time to sleep, let alone contemplate finding a woman to put up with me for a couple hours.”
    “So you and I are both virgins. This is going to be a great deal of fun,” she teased with a smile. “I think that together the two of us will figure it out though,” she assured him with a grin. “I don’t really have a home, per se. I move from one hotel suite to another. I’ve been in illusions since I left home. Bella Donna.” She smiled with a grin. “She’s so not me, but that’s all right because by donning that costume I’m able to do what I love and not have to worry about people following me and such. And now I

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