Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James Page B

Book: Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Honor James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honor James
Tags: Romance
herself after kicking off her shoes and leaned her head to the back of the couch, a soft sigh escaping her mouth as she did so. She thought to the very, very short time that she had spent with Quincy and realized that each time he had pulled from her. He might have said that he wanted the mating, but what if he really didn’t? What if it was all an illusion? After all, who would want her? She had a monster for a brother, a man that even she couldn’t stand, she could do things that no Magic User should be able to do, and she had gotten him in hot water with his boss. So why would he want her? She was nothing but trouble and she knew it. Add to it the fact that she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Michael would come gunning for her with every single thing that he had. She was more trouble than she was worth.
    Moving and pressing her eyes against her knees, she fought the urge to cry. She had found something that everyone of the magical races craved, a bond-mate blessed by the Goddess, and yet she couldn’t fight the instincts that told her she wasn’t good enough for such a match. Yeah, she was so the one for him. Not. She was damaged goods and knew it.
    Walking back out after disarming and changing into loose pants and a printed T, he frowned at seeing her pose. Padding closer on bare feet, he moved around the sofa and, after a moment’s hesitation, sat down next to her lightly. Reaching out a hand, Quincy stroked her hair lightly. “Maya,” he whispered quietly. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked gently. She sat like she was broken, like she had no reason to go on and that…Well, it shook him.
    Maya looked at him and sighed. “Are you sure that you want this?” she asked quietly. “I’m going to be so much more trouble than I’m worth. You do realize that, right? I need you to be absolutely sure because it would utterly and completely destroy me if you decided that you no longer wanted me. I can’t blame you if you don’t want me. I really can’t because I understand. I get it. I’m not worth the effort and trouble. The only thing that I ask is that you make a choice and not hate me one day because of it?”
    Staring at her damp cheeks, Quincy did the only thing he could and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m not letting you go, Maya. I have no idea what I’m doing pretty much every moment of my life but I know I can’t continue without you. The thought of losing you shreds me inside.” When he’d thought he was giving her up he’d felt broken, his heart screaming, his soul weeping. “You are my bond-mate and I’m never letting you go.”
    Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close and nodded. “Then I’m never letting you let me go,” Maya replied softly. “I want forever. I need forever.” She looked up at him and leaned in, her forehead to his. “I have no idea what I’m doing most days. Other than the pseudo image of Bella Donna I truly had nothing else in this life. Even that was a sham. I did all the magic fully, but had to always be certain that the rigging was in place that made it look like I was a con artist of a magician.” She shrugged. “I just want a life with someone that I can love. I just need to feel happy again.” And she did with him. She felt free, lighter, whole.
    “I hope I can give you that, Maya,” he murmured, rubbing his hands up and down her back. Pressing a light kiss to her lips, he drew back to gently dry her cheeks. “Come on, let’s get something to eat and then I’ll give you a tour, and I think we could both do with some real calories for a little while, yeah?” Quincy smiled slightly.
    “I think so, too.” Maya grinned and took in a deep breath. “If you just walk at my side, Quincy, that’s what I need,” she admitted to him and slipped her hand into his when he pulled her up and off the couch. “We also need to talk about what might happen when we seal our bonding, when we make love.” The

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