
Free Conviction by Leah Cook

Book: Conviction by Leah Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Cook
James she had never seen before, or bothered to notice, too busy warping her impression of him in her mind based on his interaction in the club. Kelly was surprised to find that it made him feel softer around the edges.
    “Wait here, I will get your things.” James returned with her suitcase, laptop bag and backpack to find Kelly quietly crying. “Follow me, Kelly, I know this is hard for you, I understand what you must be feeling and it will get easier.”
    “You understand ? Seriously, James...” Her voice faltered when she realised her mistake and his grip on her bags tightened to the point his knuckles turned white. “ Master James, you cannot possibly understand what it is like to have no control over your life. When you sleep, if you are allowed to sleep, when you are beaten or raped, when you can see your child, if you have a child, when you are forced to do things that I didn't even know existed . You have no way of understanding what that feels like.”
    Kelly watched as her chest heaved as an unknown emotion flicked across James’ face before quickly being replaced with his controlled facade. There had been something there that she had never seen before. A vulnerability almost. Something she had said had sent him into overdrive.
    “Follow me, Kelly.” He turned abruptly without another word and walked up the front steps onto a beautiful deck, its rails expertly created out of branches entwined with wire. The wood boards under her feet were stained bringing out the natural colours and imperfections. Kelly followed him into the house amazed at the simple layout and design elements. The entire area was open plan, a large kitchen and sunken lounge dominating the space. The white walls showcased the floorboards that matched the front deck. It was elegant yet homely, and nevertheless, it felt like him.
    James stood silently watching her face as she took in his house, pride bubbling up as he watched her eyes light up at the small features that he had added. Panoramic photos lined one wall, images of waterfalls, mountains and far away landscapes popped from their frames and created a direct line to the hallway where the other rooms where. He had taken them himself on his deployments around the world, the only part of that life that he had brought into his home. The rest would stay locked in his mind forever.
    “Master James...your house is...beautiful.” Kelly said in awe.
    “Thank you, it took me a long time to build it, but I managed to finish it eventually.”
    “ You built this? By yourself? What about the inside?”
    “The only other people who touched this house, were Master Xander, and the contractors who did the plumbing and electrical work that we couldn't do ourselves. As for the inside, that was all me.”
    Kelly stared at him her mouth slightly open and James found himself turning away so that he didn't say anything that would spoil moment and the amazing expression that was on her face. IT wasn't often that he was witness to her natural reactions as she was always on defence mode when she was working. But that red hair, that perfect little mouth hanging so tantalisingly open? It was going to be a very long month that would include many cold showers. “Follow me, Kelly. I will show you our room.”
    “I'm sorry, did you just say our room?”
    “Yes, I did. Did you not hear me say that I wouldn't take you sexually? Do you think so little of me that I would break the trust you have placed in me?” He didn't turn back to face her but his voice was a growl and deeper than normal. Kelly instinctively knew that it was the voice she didn't want to hear very often.
    “I'm sorry, you just took me by surprise. I'm trying, Master James. Please, just give me...just give me more time.”
    Dropping her bags to the floor James wheeled around and marched over to her, his boots thumping on the floor and echoing around the large space. Kelly tried to shrink back from him but he grasped her arm and pulled her so

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