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Book: Conviction by Leah Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Cook
left her feeling uneasy, so she opted to leave the doors closed.
    Kelly stepped out of the shower stall and looked at the towel rack and laughed. It too was a picture of order. Beige and white towels were stacked in two distinct columns, each folded exactly the same with the curved edges facing out. Kelly picked a white towel even as her hand ran over the forbidden beige, as she had been instructed. Did she really want to find out what would happen if she used the wrong one? The towel was soft and fluffy and she pulled it to her face and breathed allowing its softness and clean scent to calm her nerves.
    Slowly she began to strip off her clothes, placing them in the laundry hamper in the corner. She could tell by the tidiness of his house that James wouldn't like her to leave things laying around. Luckily for both of them, she was relatively tidy herself. Clearly not anal tidy like him, but still tidy.
    The water fell in soft hot drops from the showerhead, as more began to hit her soft skin it soothed her and she soon forgot about being exposed to anyone who may have been watching from the seclusion of the night. Kelly washed and conditioned her hair with the new shampoo and conditioner that James had obviously selected for her. Kelly could tell from the quality and the amazing aroma that came from the products that they were expensive and she was mindful to only use a small amount.
    Drying off her hair Kelly searched in the cupboard under the sink for a hair dryer and was pleasantly surprised to find one. She knew she was procrastinating returning to the lounge where James was waiting, but she needed more time to collect herself. Baring her body to him would be only the start of his expectations and she was almost grateful that he was getting it out of the way this early in their training.
    Once her hair was dry she put some oils on her hands before running her fingers gently through her hair and allowing her curls to form, then tied it in a low ponytail at the base of her neck. In the bedroom she removed the towel that wrapped around her body and closed her eyes, begging her trembling to steady so that she could at least appear controlled.
    As the minutes ticked by she knew she was testing his patience and didn't want him to have to come and find her. There was no way she wanted a punishment from James, she had had plenty of those from Devlin.

Chapter 6 - James
    James watched as Kelly walked slowly towards him, her head slightly bowed, not out of respect for her dom but in embarrassment as she refused to meet his eyes. She had her arms tucked protectively around her chest, covering her nipples and he almost, almost , hated himself for what he was doing to her. He sucked in a breath and shifted on the couch as she took the two steps down into the sunken lounge and stood before him just out of reach.
    “Do not cover yourself from me, Kelly. You have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. You are beautiful, more beautiful than the first flower of the spring.” He hadn’t meant to sound as corny as what had just sprung from his mouth. Normally he felt more in control of his emotions and responses, but this girl, this girl, was doing something to his head. Inwardly he cringed, knowing that while he needed her to trust him, she also needed to learn to obey him. He knew she would fight him on the smallest things for the next month.
Kelly closed her eyes and steadied herself to reveal the covered parts of her body. After a few calming breaths she lowered her shaking arms, her hands balled into fists at her side. Damn . He'd known she was beautiful, her body toned to perfection. Her muscles defined and her skin a pale wonderland. James looked beyond the women and took in her body, his eyes travelling from her feet slowly taking in every inch of her body. She was shaking, and since he had turned on the central heating, rather than wait for the wood heater to warm up, he knew it wasn't from cold.
    He took in the marks that

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